Boogaloo Bois working with Hamas

Far right extremists and Muslim terror groups working to overthrow the government.

Not surprising as the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists are right wing extremists. Of course they hooked up with their ME counter parts.


What the hell is a Boogaloo Boi and it’s not surprising to you that a ring wing extremist would hook up with MUSLIM terrorist group ? I don’t know how you mind works but that’s rather shocking to me . That’s normally oil and water .
What the hell is a Boogaloo Boi and it’s not surprising to you that a ring wing extremist would hook up with MUSLIM terrorist group ? I don’t know how you mind works but that’s rather shocking to me . That’s normally oil and water .
Common enemies makes strange bedfellows
What the hell is a Boogaloo Boi and it’s not surprising to you that a ring wing extremist would hook up with MUSLIM terrorist group ? I don’t know how you mind works but that’s rather shocking to me . That’s normally oil and water .
I don’t care if they are charter members of the Wisconsin State Lutheran Gun Club if they were actively working with Hamas fry their asses
Ok I’m confused.
Any time I hear about these groups I try to look at what they’re saying. Not what’s reported about them but what are they actually saying about things and themselves. There are all types of reports about them but not a whole lot of things they are saying. And the reports are all over the place. Apparently this “far right, white supremacy” group is opposed to the KKK.

Anti-KKK group "Boogaloo Bois" protest at Richlands town hall
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They also seem to be bad at being white supremacist

The Boogaloo Movement Is Not What You Think - bellingcat

0n the internet, meanwhile, a largely white, and far right movement publicly contended over what risks its members should take to support a black man killed by police.

On the Facebook page, Big Igloo Bois, which at the time of writing had 30,637 followers, an administrator wrote of the protests, “If there was ever a time for bois to stand in solidarity with ALL free men and women in this country, it is now”.

They added, “This is not a race issue. For far too long we have allowed them to murder us in our homes, and in the streets. We need to stand with the people of Minneapolis. We need to support them in this protest against a system that allows police brutality to go unchecked.”

One commenter added, “I’m looking for fellow Minneapolis residents to join me in forming a private, Constitutionally-authorized militia to protect people from the MPD, which has killed too many people within the last two years.”
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Ok I’m confused.
Any time I hear about these groups I try to look at what they’re saying. Not what’s reported about them but what are they actually saying about things and themselves. There are all types of reports about them but not a whole lot of things they are saying. And the reports are all over the place. Apparently this “far right, white supremacy” group is opposed to the KKK.

Anti-KKK group "Boogaloo Bois" protest at Richlands town hall
Boogaloo movement, boys explained: Far-right extremists want civil war
During recent months of unrest over coronavirus shutdowns and deaths of unarmed Black Americans in police custody, a right-wing extremist group aimed at overthrowing the government has been growing, experts say.

The "boogaloo" movement – named for a 1980s breakdancing movie and characterized by members who carry weapons and wear Hawaiian shirts and tactical gear – looks to exploit unrest in order to start a second civil war.

But there are various facets to the loosely organized group: One generally stems from its original ties to neo-Nazis and white supremacists, while a newer facet is libertarian."

Boogaloo movement - Wikipedia

far-right anti-government extremist movement. Adherents of the movement are often referred to as boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois.[3][4][5][6] The movement has also been described as a militia.[7][8][9]

Participants often identify themselves as "libertarian"[10][11][12] and say they are preparing for, or seek to incite, a second American Civil War which they call the "boogaloo".[13][14] The term boogaloo has been used on the fringe imageboard website 4chan since 2012, but did not come to widespread attention until late 2019.[1] Adherents use the term boogaloo, including variations so as to avoid social media crackdowns, to refer to violent uprisings against the federal government or left-wing political opponents, often anticipated to follow government confiscation of firearms."
Boogaloo movement, boys explained: Far-right extremists want civil war
During recent months of unrest over coronavirus shutdowns and deaths of unarmed Black Americans in police custody, a right-wing extremist group aimed at overthrowing the government has been growing, experts say.

The "boogaloo" movement – named for a 1980s breakdancing movie and characterized by members who carry weapons and wear Hawaiian shirts and tactical gear – looks to exploit unrest in order to start a second civil war.

But there are various facets to the loosely organized group: One generally stems from its original ties to neo-Nazis and white supremacists, while a newer facet is libertarian."

Boogaloo movement - Wikipedia

far-right anti-government extremist movement. Adherents of the movement are often referred to as boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois.[3][4][5][6] The movement has also been described as a militia.[7][8][9]

Participants often identify themselves as "libertarian"[10][11][12] and say they are preparing for, or seek to incite, a second American Civil War which they call the "boogaloo".[13][14] The term boogaloo has been used on the fringe imageboard website 4chan since 2012, but did not come to widespread attention until late 2019.[1] Adherents use the term boogaloo, including variations so as to avoid social media crackdowns, to refer to violent uprisings against the federal government or left-wing political opponents, often anticipated to follow government confiscation of firearms."

That’s exactly what I’m saying.
There are a lot of second hand reports about these guys and it’s all over the place.

From what little I can find from “members “ saying things, it’s all over the place. They clear don’t have a common defined goal beyond ending the police and fighting the government.

It’s odd to describe them as “white supremacist “ when their members are approximately 13% black by one account and they’re absolutely opposed to the klan.
That’s exactly what I’m saying.
There are a lot of second hand reports about these guys and it’s all over the place.

From what little I can find from “members “ saying things, it’s all over the place. They clear don’t have a common defined goal beyond ending the police and fighting the government.

It’s odd to describe them as “white supremacist “ when their members are approximately 13% black by one account and they’re absolutely opposed to the klan.
"The boogaloo movement is a loose collective and groups hold widely differing beliefs on many topics.[13][41] [40] MacNab has said that opinions on racism and attitudes towards law enforcement are among the views that differ the most between boogaloo groups.[36] Some boogaloo groups are white supremacist or neo-Nazi and specifically believe that the "boogaloo" will be a race war.[note 1] There are also boogaloo groups that condemn racism.[7][17]}} Attempts by some individual elements of the movement to support anti-racist groups such as Black Lives Matter have been met with wariness and skepticism; researchers are unsure if they are genuine or meant to obscure the movement's actual objectives.[4][7][9] "

The common thread of all is a right wing anti government belief. Most are WS but some ,genuinely or not, are anti racism but still want a civil war to overthrow the government by violent means.
"The boogaloo movement is a loose collective and groups hold widely differing beliefs on many topics.[13][41] [40] MacNab has said that opinions on racism and attitudes towards law enforcement are among the views that differ the most between boogaloo groups.[36] Some boogaloo groups are white supremacist or neo-Nazi and specifically believe that the "boogaloo" will be a race war.[note 1] There are also boogaloo groups that condemn racism.[7][17]}} Attempts by some individual elements of the movement to support anti-racist groups such as Black Lives Matter have been met with wariness and skepticism; researchers are unsure if they are genuine or meant to obscure the movement's actual objectives.[4][7][9] "

The common thread of all is a right wing anti government belief. Most are WS but some ,genuinely or not, are anti racism but still want a civil war to overthrow the government by violent means.

Sounds like a collection of dipshits I should stay clear of.
Boogaloo movement, boys explained: Far-right extremists want civil war
During recent months of unrest over coronavirus shutdowns and deaths of unarmed Black Americans in police custody, a right-wing extremist group aimed at overthrowing the government has been growing, experts say.

The "boogaloo" movement – named for a 1980s breakdancing movie and characterized by members who carry weapons and wear Hawaiian shirts and tactical gear – looks to exploit unrest in order to start a second civil war.

But there are various facets to the loosely organized group: One generally stems from its original ties to neo-Nazis and white supremacists, while a newer facet is libertarian."

Boogaloo movement - Wikipedia

far-right anti-government extremist movement. Adherents of the movement are often referred to as boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois.[3][4][5][6] The movement has also been described as a militia.[7][8][9]

Participants often identify themselves as "libertarian"[10][11][12] and say they are preparing for, or seek to incite, a second American Civil War which they call the "boogaloo".[13][14] The term boogaloo has been used on the fringe imageboard website 4chan since 2012, but did not come to widespread attention until late 2019.[1] Adherents use the term boogaloo, including variations so as to avoid social media crackdowns, to refer to violent uprisings against the federal government or left-wing political opponents, often anticipated to follow government confiscation of firearms."
If this is truly the case then these guys are no better than antifa
Self-Proclaimed? Is that anything like Anonymous Sources in a liberal wrap up smear

If true then burn down the entire Boogungalo. The entire group and story sounds very agitprop.
I’d never heard of these guys till about 3 weeks ago.
I read just enough about them to realize they are a minor inconvenience and nothing I should worry about or want anything to do with
I've never heard of the Boogaloo Bois until this morning, but I mean, if they are allied with Hamas, they must be good, right? I mean, Hamas is aligned with Muslim Brotherhood and the Saudis and other Sunni groups. And the US/CIA backs a large number of these Sunni groups in the region. Surely... they can't be that bad, can they?
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How many Boogiloo Bois have killed Americans this year?

How many Americans will be/have been killed by blacks this year?

Will it be close between the two?!?


lol boogiloo bois...taking this yahoos serious is like taking those Hebrew Israelites serious.
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I've never heard of the Boogaloo Bois until this morning, but I mean, if they are allied with Hams, they must be good, right? I mean, Hamas is aligned with Muslim Brotherhood and the Saudis and other Sunni groups. And the US/CIA backs a large number of these Sunni groups in the region. Surely... they can't be that bad, can they?
Obama said Muslim Brotherhood is the "Boogaloo Bois" must be as well by proxy amirite?

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