Book Burning Liberals

This is about the dumbest thing I've read today. And that is saying something. I've read every novel on that banned list, and they are all excellent. It is peak stupidity when "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" is considered racist. Mildred Taylor is a black woman that grew up in the Jim Crow South and wrote a beautiful novel about that experience. She won a Newberry Award for it.
This is about as stupid and short-sighted I've seen since I was in high school. We had our version of Karen's raising hell about Harry Potter, wanting to force their belief on everyone which isn't anything new. The only novel that was outright banned was "The Catcher in the Rye", which is a really ****** novel anyways.
This country is like a caricature of a dysfunctional ,overly emotional, 2nd hand "offended" is truly embarrassing sometimes. Then, we publicize all of our dirty laundry to make SURE the whole world sees our needless drama and wartz.

Shoot, we put all of our military movements, new technology for war and defense, training and policies on the the news...the net...the radio....I have sat shaking my head so many times as the news announced " our soldiers are arriving as we speak in Fallujah, watch as we send it out live to Rebecca at the scene.." Thinking to myself. " Hope no Islamic terrorist are watching our ABC broadcast....they could easily take down those choppers with RPGs or kill all the soldiers on the ground with mortars or snipers etc.....

We are so stupid as a nation when we elected Obummer twice and then let his VP Pedo Joe steal another election.....
This country is like a caricature of a dysfunctional ,overly emotional, 2nd hand "offended" is truly embarrassing sometimes. Then, we publicize all of our dirty laundry to make SURE the whole world sees our needless drama and wartz.

Shoot, we put all of our military movements, new technology for war and defense, training and policies on the the news...the net...the radio....I have sat shaking my head so many times as the news announced " our soldiers are arriving as we speak in Fallujah, watch as we send it out live to Rebecca at the scene.." Thinking to myself. " Hope no Islamic terrorist are watching our ABC broadcast....they could easily take down those choppers with RPGs or kill all the soldiers on the ground with mortars or snipers etc.....

We are so stupid as a nation when we elected Obummer twice and then let his VP Pedo Joe steal another election.....

What is really stupid is believing this election was stolen. Your boy lost it by being a divisive, hate filled fool that attempted to profit on racism. He is the white version of Al Sharpton.
They actually have a version of Huck Finn with the N word taken out of it and linear notes talking about how "things were different back then". So stupid. When I got my copy of Huck Finn I made sure it came just like a child being introduced to Biden, unmolested.

You think getting books banned from libraries is a liberal thing? My mom is a high school librarian in Arkansas and there’s not a year that goes by without some church mom losing her **** because the twilight saga and Harry Potter are available. Catcher in the Rye is so tame now that any person would question why it’s still banned in a lot of schools. There’s also usually a lot of uproar about a lot of Harlem Renaissance-era novels by black authors that remain in her library. All this stuff is dumb.
What is really stupid is believing this election was stolen. Your boy lost it by being a divisive, hate filled fool that attempted to profit on racism. He is the white version of Al Sharpton.
The same can be said about the POS the stole it.
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