Brazen smash and grab organized crime rocks Green Hills Mall in Nashville 3 times in 3 weeks...



I see that pretty girl swag.
Dec 2, 2017
Green Hills mall security guard tackles man stealing from Louis Vuitton store, 4 others sought

More than $50K in Gucci merch damaged, thieves steal thousands more from Green Hills Mall​

Thieves use bear spray in Nordstrom robbery​

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There are other LTL methods that can be used. Rock salt for instance.

Shoot to kill is probably a little harsh but this is grand larceny and brazen crime more than likely from the same group. Their methods appear to be the same. They have stolen over $100k in merchandise and caused 10's of thousands in damage. Where was the police after the first crime? They keep coming back to the same mall like they are monitoring it so had to have been spotted in plain clothes. This is the most expensive area of Nashville.
How do you allow these reprobates to get away with this 3 different times in the same mall? Police and security need to be allowed to shoot to kill.
guy in Chattanooga was arrested 66 times and committed murder recently.
Dems dont agree with 3 strikes you are out,,maybe 67. society and history owes these pos for slavery or some grievance.
Green Hills mall security guard tackles man stealing from Louis Vuitton store, 4 others sought

More than $50K in Gucci merch damaged, thieves steal thousands more from Green Hills Mall​

Thieves use bear spray in Nordstrom robbery​

Nashville voters getting what they voted for. Good for them.
I am wondering how are these people dressed going into the mall? Why wasn't there more law enforcement in and around the mall after the first incident? You know these hoodlums are making the choice real time.

The police shortage is hurting everyone. Nashville used to be a few 100 police down but I don't know the exact situation now.
guy in Chattanooga was arrested 66 times and committed murder recently.
Dems dont agree with 3 strikes you are out,,maybe 67. society and history owes these pos for slavery or some grievance.

In some twisted way many vigilantes feel they've been given a referendum to commit these acts without consequences.
Another LTL solution:

Stripe that ass with a cane about five times. Go up 2 or 3 strikes every additional offense.

No gap between sentencing and administration.

Now there may be a few tough hombres around, but I believe there would not be many 3 or 4 time winners.
Another LTL solution:

Stripe that ass with a cane about five times. Go up 2 or 3 strikes every additional offense.

No gap between sentencing and administration.

Now there may be a few tough hombres around, but I believe there would not be many 3 or 4 time winners.
Yes. I posted in another thread about corporal punishment for things like this. Beat their asses in public. That would make them think twice. Even the threat of it would deter many.
Weird that this doesn’t happen in rural TN. If it happened once I’m certain that it wouldn’t happen again.

Which of the small towns that Jason Aldean has lived in (Macon GA, Nashville, or Miami) did this happen?
Or just add a lot of security--which any intelligent mall and its stores would have done after the first incident.

I would certainly throwing the book at these thieves---no mercy.
Adding security while keeping their hands tied is useless. When security can turn the suspect over to the police and you can’t recognize him in his booking photo, and no charges for security, that will have a positive impact.
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