Breaking News: MLB to Investigate Bonds



Vol Stuck in B1G 10 Hell
May 26, 2005
Breaking News: MLB to Investigate Bonds

"ESPN has learned that George Mitchell, former U.S. Senate majority leader from Maine, will be hired by Major League Baseball to head an investigation into past steroid use by major-league players, most prominently Barry Bonds.

Mitchell will not be the lead investigator, but he will head the investigation effort.

A baseball official told The Associated Press on Wednesday that final plans for the investigation were still pending, as was a definite answer from Mitchell. An announcement was expected later this week.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because commissioner Bud Selig has not yet made an announcement.

ESPN's confirmation of Mitchell as the head of the investigation comes after Wednesday's New York Times reported that Selig was on the verge of announcing an investigation into steroid use by Bonds and other players as detailed in the book "Game of Shadows" and that Mitchell's name was being floating around baseball circles as the outside person to head such an investigation.

ESPN has learned that Bonds and any other current player who may be part of this investigation will be allowed to play while the investigation is ongoing.

Selig has been under pressure for weeks to form an investigation. Two books being released this spring accuse Bonds of using steroids, human growth hormone and insulin for at least five seasons beginning in 1998 -- "Game of Shadows," written by two San Francisco Chronicle reporters, and "Love Me, Hate Me: Barry Bonds and the Making of an Antihero" by Jeff Pearlman. Baseball did not ban performance-enhancing substances until after the 2002 season, and Bonds has denied ever knowingly using performance-enhancing drugs.

Selig also faces pressure from Congress. Two weeks ago, Rep. Cliff Stearns, who previously sponsored legislation calling for tougher drug testing in pro sports, sent the commissioner a letter asking about his role in policing steroid use from 1998 to 2002.

Mitchell is the chairman of the board of the Walt Disney Company, the parent company of ESPN.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report."
Exactly what are they investigating?

Did he take steroids admittedly/unamdmitedly/ whatever: yes

They know whats been goin on the past thirty years. steroids and amphetamines have run rampant and now they want to act all deaf, dumb and blind. Damage control is in full effect and it's starting to stink.
I agree . . . Bud Selig has the PR skills of . . . well . . . a car salesman.
Bug Selig is a travesty to all of mankind.

What are they investigating?

Go buy a copy of the books that are out!

This is nothing but a face job by MLB; can any one say damage control?
Sounds to me like a push by the commissioner's office to get Barry to just hang 'em up and walk away. That is the best case scenario for both MLB and Bonds.
I am not excusing what Bonds did, but what about McQwire, Sosa, Palmero, etc.......?

This is turing into a witch hunt when what 60% or 70% of baseball players were on some sort of performance enhancing drug?
(OrangeEmpire @ Mar 30 said:
I am not excusing what Bonds did, but what about McQwire, Sosa, Palmero, etc.......?

This is turing into a witch hunt when what 60% or 70% of baseball players were on some sort of performance enhancing drug?

60-70%??? That figure seems a little high, I would say at most 1 to 2 players per team. So, somewhere under 20%. Palmero will most likely not end up in the Hall of Fame, Sosa has been ostracized since the cork incident, and McGwire has never made any statements denying his use of performance enhancing drugs.

Also, MLB cannot do anything to McGwire, since he is out of the game. They also can't do much to Sosa, since his dismissal would only put an end to his less than par performance over the past couple years. Palmero is out of the game. Making an example of Bonds when he is so close to passing Ruth, would send a message that MLB could not send by going after McGwire, Sosa, Palmero, Giambi, etc.
From what these books have said steriod use, and or performance ehancing drugs, were prevelant through to A Ball.

I would venture to say the 60 to 70% was just a little high, I would guess it would be around 50% of the players were on some sort of PED. There is no way it was around 20%.

The Orioles pitcher who died two years ago......

It is ridiculous to single out Bonds as the scape goat for the failures of MLB.

MLB, the owners, trainers, etc.. did not complain for the past 12-15 years when baseball made is triumphant comback after the strike and revenue was at an all time high.

I understand PED were not against the rules, and given that MLB had the highest average salary per player, with an expectancy of 7 years of playing time, a lot of players wanted the most out of it and used PED.
(therealUT @ Mar 30 said:
60-70%??? That figure seems a little high, I would say at most 1 to 2 players per team. So, somewhere under 20%. Palmero will most likely not end up in the Hall of Fame, Sosa has been ostracized since the cork incident, and McGwire has never made any statements denying his use of performance enhancing drugs.

Also, MLB cannot do anything to McGwire, since he is out of the game. They also can't do much to Sosa, since his dismissal would only put an end to his less than par performance over the past couple years. Palmero is out of the game. Making an example of Bonds when he is so close to passing Ruth, would send a message that MLB could not send by going after McGwire, Sosa, Palmero, Giambi, etc.
There were a lot more than 60 players in the Majors using performance enhancers. I have a simple question. Are Selig, et al., going to refund the fans the money paid for tickets during the 'Enhanced Era?" It appears to me management wants to win twice in this instance. First, fill the seats by turning a blind eye toward the issue. Then, after reaping the windfalls, attempt a public realtions coup by attacking one of the guys most responsible for the attandance boom. The Giants have led the National League in attendance for the period since they opened their new ballpark. Think that might have something to do with Barry's power explosion?
MLB is in is so sad...... :banghead:

How about MLB fires the used car salesman?

Im afraid Bud has opened up the pandora's box for baseball... He is going to find out some stuff about alot of his superstars that he doesnt want to, it will be reported, and all of mlb is going down.
Q: How didn't Bud, MLB, Owners, Trainers, Managers, Players Union, etc. know that steriods or PED were being used?

I.E. Ivan Rodriguez dropped a decent amount of weight in one off season because the steriod issues was being discussed. I mean come on.............

The best thing MLB could do is just put the past behind them, say "We're sorry" and then move on.

(GAVol @ Mar 30 said:
The best thing MLB could do is just put the past behind them, say "We're sorry" and then move on.
it totally agree. Bonds will be retiring anyways by the time this investigation is done, and they wont rewrite the record books.
i don't know guys i played highschool ball with andy tracy. he played 3rd base a couple years for the expo's. he went in a matter of 3 years to being a dude that was slightly chubby to one of the biggest guys i have ever seen. he was huge and his body fat content was maybe 2 percent. 60-70 percent of the players is probably right.
Is this steroid crap ever going to end? I'm sick of hearing about it.
(#10_Ainge_#10 @ Mar 31 said:
Bonds is on the juice....Just say no Barry, just say no!!!!
Good to see you back on the board. How are you doing?
I can hear poor Harry now:

"And here's Larry Bonds coming to the plate. Bonds backwards is
sdnob. He of course is all caught up in this hemorrhoid investigation, but I wish they'd just let Gary play ball and be done with it."
(GAVol @ Mar 31 said:
I can hear poor Harry now:

"And here's Larry Bonds coming to the plate. Bonds backwards is
sdnob. He of course is all caught up in this hemorrhoid investigation, but I wish they'd just let Gary play ball and be done with it."
Followed by: "Hey Steve. Did ya know Larry's father was a star? Gary "US" Bonds? He had some hits in the '60s and '70s. A real swingin' guy."
(hatvol96 @ Mar 31 said:
Followed by: "Hey Steve. Did ya know Larry's father was a star? Gary "US" Bonds? He had some hits in the '60s and '70s. A real swingin' guy."
Folled by: Hey Steve...have you tried those hotdogs! A wonderful snack 4 of those make, with a ice cold root beer! Aw rats another stinkeroo by the cubs, why'd Sandberg swing at that...he knows he can't hit a high fastball!

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