Brent Schaeffer Heading to JUCO



Senior Member
Jul 8, 2005

Tennessee quarterback Brent Schaeffer will play at a California junior college this fall in hopes of returning to the Southeastern Conference next season at either Florida, Auburn or Georgia, Schaeffer told The Tampa Tribune.

I find that intresting, dont know how much intrest we would have in him, but theres no doubt hes a great player and would fit in well with meyer's system. Hed have to get his act together, but hes a good player. Something to think about.
I wish him well, but I'm afraid he's got a superstar complex. Just read that article and the list of issues he had with other schools: didn't want to compete at USF, didn't want to commit at Clemson by their deadline, didn't like Dennis Franchione. If you're a coach looking at this kid, you've got to ask yourself if a scholarship is worth the risk of him quitting on you.

This is all conjecture on my part, but look at his history and this conclusion is easy to reach.
I agree. But we dont know the details behind all of this stuff. What if Clemson wanted him to accept within a couple days, and he wasnt sure if he wanted to go to USF or A & M, maybe he hadnt made up his mind. I can see where hes coming from in the USF thing, he probably didnt think he would get a fair shot, cant argue with that, and you cant really help it if you dont like the coach, eveyrone has their preferences.

Hes a risk for anyone to take because of his history, but I think if hes well coached and looked out for, he could be pretty good. I doubt he goes to UF though. My pick is AU, wide open QB pos. He woudl lose another year of eligibility sitting behind Leak. Cant see him going to UGA because of the little rivalry, although it is a good fit. AU looks like the best though.
I wonder if any of those schools know that they are recruiting Brent Schaeffer?
Not sure, although it would be pretty ballsy to say that you plan on enrolling at one of 3 schools and have some if not all of them even recruiting you.
Sounds suspiciously made up to me. Why would these schools be recruiting him if only a few days ago he was looking at D-1A schools and they all knew that CPF wouldn't release him to anybody in conference or on the schedule?
Maybe because they knew after a year at JUCO hed be able to go any place he wanted, and he had shown intrest towards them before??
Could be. :dunno: I think that's a crock. But that could be.

The other part of this is that as a scrambling QB, BS is taking a big risk of getting hurt behind a JUCO o-line.
Yeah, but I think JUCO D's wont beat him up that bad. They may not even catch him :D
Come on, Brentley treated UNLV's D like crap. We all remember it. Though UNLV is not that good at the D-IA level, we all know that it's far far better than any challenge JUCO can provide. Brent will tear it up and come right back out as a five star.
If he has any smarts? He'll be happy to step down a notch or 2.
In hopes to rack up some really nice stats. We all know a lost year doing anything like classes, studying etc, Isnt his M.O, But are JUCO coaches like this so eager to buy into his talent? (i know its juco)
Knowing a possible, If 1 good year and poof! Id almost assume he wrote himself out of any claim to fame.......All but tossed out of UT, A sweet Juco career'(1 season). IMO he never makes it back to SEC Football!

I Havent believed he would, But thought he might get his act together and go sit a year out, Somewhere he could under study then come out as a weapon.
I read where Juco isnt a must recruit for UT, Right now we have 2 Juco players that are Big time players...Mahelona has everything needed to be a top draft pick. Albert "big toe" also a Juco, could be one of the best O-line picks?..6'6 355 Benching in the offseason close to 600 lb.
Both deserve the attention they got as Juco's. Neither have a ugly attitude neither was picked up until their Jr year..They belong in the SEC, not BS...... :no: He will be over my expectations(SEC) if he faces us/UT in 06 Nashville (Vandy)...
no way he plays qb at au, uf, or uga. uga will have barnes, cox, and stafford. uf will have portis, snead, ingram, dickey and possibly tebow. au will have caudle. most of these qbs fit their systems almost perfectly. schaeffer is good, but i think his superiority complex will screw him over in the end.
Originally posted by GatorVille@Aug 2, 2005 1:08 AM
Not sure, although it would be pretty ballsy to say that you plan on enrolling at one of 3 schools and have some if not all of them even recruiting you.
]Schaeffer said he hasn't spoken yet to the coaches at Florida, Auburn or Georgia to see if they are interested.

Like I said . . . I'll bet they are surprised to learn that they are recruiting Brent Schaeffer.
"..hopes of returning to the Southeastern Conference next season at either Florida, Auburn or Georgia.. Schaeffer said he hasn't spoken yet to the coaches at Florida, Auburn or Georgia to see if they are interested."

Somebody tell Schaeffer that our rival in the west is Alabama. What a goofball. <_<
Originally posted by GatorVille@Aug 2, 2005 12:28 AM
Yeah, but I think JUCO D&#39;s wont beat him up that bad.  They may not even catch him :D

Tell peope like Jesse Mahelona that.
Originally posted by UTVOLFAN@Aug 2, 2005 10:02 AM
Tell peope like Jesse Mahelona that.

There are good players that come out of JUCO, but not overall good defenses. I think that is the point, here.
I wasn&#39;t really talking about quality of opponents. I was just saying that BS playing a year in JUCO is a risk since if by some freak occurrence he gets hurt there probably will be very few takers at the 1A level next year.
I honestly don&#39;t think it&#39;s a bad move for him. He should play and if he completes his requirements he won&#39;t be limited in where he can go. Maybe NC State gets back in the picture since he liked them before.
I think its a great move. Hell go dominate, showcase his freakish running ability, and shoudl ahve D1 colleges scrambling for his services.
I loved Brent at the beginning, but the shenanigans with getting in trouble has to stop....with every player. But I hope he does well. He will turn out to be a good kid, once his head shrinks a few notches. I wish nothing but success, except if he ever squares off with UT.

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