Brian Williams video

yeah, that's what i thought.. he's gonna have to hit the weight room n track to get some great strength, with some more quickness and get more agile..
he looks sorta sluggish..
yea and he looks like he just picked up a basketball the day before that game... he looks slow and doesnt seem to be very competitive, aggresive nor does he show any intensity, i dont know what the Brewster saw in him but obviously he saw something he thought he could work with
I didn't watch all of it, but I probably caught a good 30 mins. I agree with the assessment that he's definitely a project and that he's not as aggressive to the ball (rebounding or shot blocking) as I'd like to see. I'm chalking that up to his weight, which I've heard has come down quite a bit (this video is from January).

However, I did think he seemed to have pretty good 'fluidity,' if that makes any sense. His footwork was pretty good, and his movement with the ball wasn't awkward at all -- which is what you get a lot of times with big guys. I came away feeling he was a naturally gifted athlete who is just a lot heavier than he should be. I hope his aggressiveness improves when he drops weight.

I saw him maneuver on D to take two charges, and he continually executed a high pick and roll for their PG and looked pretty good doing it. I'll go ahead and say this ... I definitely think his back-to-the-basket offensive moves were (dare I say it) better than any of our current post players. Then again, that's not saying much. He seems to have a decent-looking shot. I saw him make a couple of free throws and he looked 'natural' shooting them (i.e. not a jacked-up shot like Shaq or Ben Wallace or anything). I also saw him shoot a 3 (and miss). Again, his form looked pretty good -- though I don't think we have another Chism on our hands. I really think BW's contribution will come inside on the post -- which is exactly what we need right now.

All in all, he seems to have a pretty smart basketball IQ, plenty of athletic ability, and a decent shot. He needs to lose weight and get aggressive on the boards at both ends ... as well as get back on D. If you look at the maturation of Ryan Childress, I think CBP will get him there.

Pleasantly surprised -- I had low expectations for this one.
I didn't watch all of it, but I probably caught a good 30 mins. I agree with the assessment that he's definitely a project and that he's not as aggressive to the ball (rebounding or shot blocking) as I'd like to see. I'm chalking that up to his weight, which I've heard has come down quite a bit (this video is from January).

However, I did think he seemed to have pretty good 'fluidity,' if that makes any sense. His footwork was pretty good, and his movement with the ball wasn't awkward at all -- which is what you get a lot of times with big guys. I came away feeling he was a naturally gifted athlete who is just a lot heavier than he should be. I hope his aggressiveness improves when he drops weight.

I saw him maneuver on D to take two charges, and he continually executed a high pick and roll for their PG and looked pretty good doing it. I'll go ahead and say this ... I definitely think his back-to-the-basket offensive moves were (dare I say it) better than any of our current post players. Then again, that's not saying much. He seems to have a decent-looking shot. I saw him make a couple of free throws and he looked 'natural' shooting them (i.e. not a jacked-up shot like Shaq or Ben Wallace or anything). I also saw him shoot a 3 (and miss). Again, his form looked pretty good -- though I don't think we have another Chism on our hands. I really think BW's contribution will come inside on the post -- which is exactly what we need right now.

All in all, he seems to have a pretty smart basketball IQ, plenty of athletic ability, and a decent shot. He needs to lose weight and get aggressive on the boards at both ends ... as well as get back on D. If you look at the maturation of Ryan Childress, I think CBP will get him there.

Pleasantly surprised -- I had low expectations for this one.

Well hopefully CBP will turn that fluidity into a strength for our team
umm, I don't know about this kid but, I will never question Bruce Pearl. I do know that if we could have used this scholarship on someone else that we need more... yeah we could use a big man but we almost beat the national runner-up twice, beat the national champions, and made a strong Sweet 16 run without a dominant big man affecting the game so, I don't know...
umm, I don't know about this kid but, I will never question Bruce Pearl. I do know that if we could have used this scholarship on someone else that we need more... yeah we could use a big man but we almost beat the national runner-up twice, beat the national champions, and made a strong Sweet 16 run without a dominant big man affecting the game so, I don't know...

and that could either mean that we don't need a big man to compete for championships or that all we need is a solid big man to get us over the top... yea we could have easily beat Ohio St. in the S16 but imagine what we could have done with a shot blocker in the paint and how effective he could have been on some of those floaters that Conley Jr. was throwing up that helped give OSU the momentum :whistling:
He is definetly a project. I was not impressed with his ability to grab rebounds at all. He wasn't quick enough in his reaction to the ball, and didn't have enough of a vertical leap to go up with atheletic players to get it. One thing you gotta think about is that he will not be asked to play nearly minutes he was in high school. I think CBP will just need him to give us 10-15 min. of physical play when our other big guys need a sub. I think he could come in and give us some solid down low. There had to be something CBP saw in him. Has anyone heard if he will be redshirted, or if he can actually give us some positive minutes
He is definetly a project. I was not impressed with his ability to grab rebounds at all. He wasn't quick enough in his reaction to the ball, and didn't have enough of a vertical leap to go up with atheletic players to get it. One thing you gotta think about is that he will not be asked to play nearly minutes he was in high school. I think CBP will just need him to give us 10-15 min. of physical play when our other big guys need a sub. I think he could come in and give us some solid down low. There had to be something CBP saw in him. Has anyone heard if he will be redshirted, or if he can actually give us some positive minutes

Tony Jones had stated a couple months ago that he expected BW to contribute up to 20 minutes a game but i dont see how that would be possible, and then ive also heard that he will more than likely redshirt because we have so many guys that are goin to get minutes next season which seems more realistic to me because 20 minutes is half a game which would mean that Wayne and Duke would split 20 minutes a game
No necessarily, he could play some minutes at the 5 while Duke and Wayne split the 4. But, he probably will redshirt if we have Tyler Smith playing next year. They play different positions, but with T. Smith, there just won't be enough spots in the rotation.
I don't see how he could give us 20 minutes either, but I do think he could give us some solid minutes. We will have alot of players to work into the rotation next year, but none are really post players who primarily play with their backs to the basket. I think that he could end up being a nice fit on our team, even if he just ends up being a big body we can put in the paint. He looked to set very good screens, and I was actually fairly impressed with his defense. He might not be a great shot blocker, but he moved his feet well to stay infront of his man and take charges
He's got his shot on the big stage. We'll just have to see how bad he wants to play in this league. If he wants it bad enough, he will get in shape. If not, then he won't be here in '09. I'd be really surprised if he didn't redshirt this year, so Pearl will have more than a year to see if he will contribute to the team. I believe in Pearl though. If he can make Dane a starter in the SEC, then I'm sure he can make BW a player also.
I don't see him playing next year, but I'm encouraged by his bball smarts. He made a couple of nice passes, he was generally in good position. He gave good lead passes on the outlets. Some little things like that that show he's got potential. Obviously needs to trim down and get in better shape.
I lot depends on what is in his heart. Difficult to read that from a few minutes of video. Certainly could be a situational sub, but I haven't noticed Coach BP making situational substitutions at all.
Has good court awareness. Pretty sure he has not had the type of coaching he will get under Bruce. Like so many have already said he is a project in progress.
I like the fact that we can now take a project and know that it won't hurt us too bad, whereas with previous coaching regimes our whole team was compiled of projects.
Well after seeing what Pearl did with Childress in just a two year span I say he'll have him getting every bit out of his ability

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