Brick by brick...



Resident windbag genius
Dec 1, 2004
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I think CBJ's 'Brick by Brick" campaign is ingenious. What he's done is instill a belief in the incoming class that 'they' are a huge key in UT's return to dominance. It is giving the recruits the pride of responsibility that 'they' will be what turns this around.

I hear a lot of people say that our class will depend on wins on the field this year, and I hear a lot of fear that if we don't show up, we'll lose the class. I don't think so. I think that the "Brick by Brick" mentality instilled in this incoming class will keep the class together. I think that potential losses could in fact reinforce that sense of pride and responsibility.

Anyway, I'm expecting to see great improvement and a competitive team on the field. Because of the "Brick by Brick" mentality, I expect to see a fine class hold together and collectively sign on to rebuild UT. I also expect to see continued, sustained improvement in recruiting as the years go by. I sincerely believe that CBJ understands what it takes to sell a program while instilling commitment and responsibility to the program.

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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I think CBJ's 'Brick by Brick" campaign is ingenious. What he's done is instill a belief in the incoming class that 'they' are a huge key in UT's return to dominance. It is giving the recruits the pride of responsibility that 'they' will be what turns this around.

I hear a lot of people say that our class will depend on wins on the field this year, and I hear a lot of fear that if we don't show up, we'll lose the class. I don't think so. I think that the "Brick by Brick" mentality instilled in this incoming class will keep the class together. I think that potential losses could in fact reinforce that sense of pride and responsibility.

Anyway, I'm expecting to see great improvement and a competitive team on the field. Because of the "Brick by Brick" mentality, I expect to see a fine class hold together and collectively sign on to rebuild UT. I also expect to see continued, sustained improvement in recruiting as the years go by. I sincerely believe that CBJ understands what it takes to sell a program while instilling commitment and responsibility to the program.


This guy ^ He gets it.
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I agree with everything you said.

I also think Team 117 knows they are the foundation. They seem to be completely and fully engaged. Their actions (recruiting the new guys, staying on campus to work instead of going home for a couple weeks, killing it in conditioning program) speaks VOLumes, imo.
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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I think CBJ's 'Brick by Brick" campaign is ingenious. What he's done is instill a belief in the incoming class that 'they' are a huge key in UT's return to dominance. It is giving the recruits the pride of responsibility that 'they' will be what turns this around.

I hear a lot of people say that our class will depend on wins on the field this year, and I hear a lot of fear that if we don't show up, we'll lose the class. I don't think so. I think that the "Brick by Brick" mentality instilled in this incoming class will keep the class together. I think that potential losses could in fact reinforce that sense of pride and responsibility.

Anyway, I'm expecting to see great improvement and a competitive team on the field. Because of the "Brick by Brick" mentality, I expect to see a fine class hold together and collectively sign on to rebuild UT. I also expect to see continued, sustained improvement in recruiting as the years go by. I sincerely believe that CBJ understands what it takes to sell a program while instilling commitment and responsibility to the program.


I think that he is just a genius in general! We are about three seasons away from a NC in my opinion!
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If these guys can coach on the field at all, we may have just backed into a gold mine. I could not be happier with who we have coaching my alma mater, and it has been around 10 years since I have been able to say that.

I think Butch Jones will win a BCS National Championship as a coach before he is through. I just hope it is with the Vols.
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I also think it's a genius subliminal message for the fans. It says "the team is not there yet, but everyone be patient. Any championship team takes time to build and it's happening right now...brick by brick."
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I just hope we can keep perspective. This recruiting class is phenomenal. But none of them will even see the field for at least another year. The talent is there fore the most part to be competitive in the SEC but the development isn't due to constant coaching turnovers. Brick by brick is a good accurate description of what's happening. I just don't know how patient this fan base is going to be. We have all been dreaming of some non-existent silver bullet back to stardom. Butch gets it. Do we?
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What's up with all these legacies? Did our players from the 80's and early 90's have some serious virility, or what?
I also think it's a genius subliminal message for the fans. It says "the team is not there yet, but everyone be patient. Any championship team takes time to build and it's happening right now...brick by brick."

It's fantastic pr.
I agree with everything you said.

I also think Team 117 knows they are the foundation. They seem to be completely and fully engaged. Their actions (recruiting the new guys, staying on campus to work instead of going home for a couple weeks, killing it in conditioning program) speaks VOLumes, imo.

I agree - Team 117 is the foundation - and they get it! :hi:
If these guys can coach on the field at all, we may have just backed into a gold mine. I could not be happier with who we have coaching my alma mater, and it has been around 10 years since I have been able to say that.

I think Butch Jones will win a BCS National Championship as a coach before he is through. I just hope it is with the Vols.

I agree. But I also think that most of the kids that coach Jones has recruited would not of came here if Dooley was here. I do not care if their dad or brother did play at Tennessee. But with coach Jones I think they believe he will turn things around.
I've really bought into the brick by brick campaign, I think its a great metaphor for the next few seasons. I was even lucky enough to get a brick signed by CBJ

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I've really bought into the brick by brick campaign, I think its a great metaphor for the next few seasons. I was even lucky enough to get a brick signed by CBJ


Which one of you is happier?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I've really bought into the brick by brick campaign, I think its a great metaphor for the next few seasons. I was even lucky enough to get a brick signed by CBJ


So, did CBJ say why he has a Vampire Lestat thumbnail?

Creepy and a little disconcerting, iyam.

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