Bruce Pearl



Volnation's resident sunshine pumper
Jan 15, 2005
anyone get

the begining say "He’s just begun his second week on the job, and UT head basketball coach Bruce Pearl is already setting himself up to be second guessed by a Big Orange fan base that has to feel snake bit and gun shy, following a long series of short lived hardwood eras on the Hill."

so just wondering what he did.
I don't subscribe but I am guessing it has to do with Benson, Smith and/or Gordon.
Yep, my money would be on Benson. A lot of people have continued to like him no matter what...
If this is about Benson then the article seems to be a bit one sided if you ask me. How many head coaches when they change teams keep the current regime that is on hand. Would the president keep the same cabinet members if he was elected? This seems to be a bit tilted against Pearl.
I dont know why there is all of this work up over benson. Not like he has really done any good for us. I mean he may be able to recruit but the people that he has been bringing in might not have the skills that pearl is looking for.
Originally posted by vols2345@Apr 7, 2005 7:34 PM
anyone get

the begining say "He’s just begun his second week on the job, and UT head basketball coach Bruce Pearl is already setting himself up to be second guessed by a Big Orange fan base that has to feel snake bit and gun shy, following a long series of short lived hardwood eras on the Hill."

so just wondering what he did.

The article is indeed in regard to TS, JG and Benson. A follow up article says that Pearl must do whatever necessary to run the program in his own way with or without Benson. We were all counting on TS and most of us counted on JG as well. In both cases, the players were tied to Buzz and Benson so a lot of negotiation is in progress. BTW, TS' dad said they are looking forward to meeting with Pearl again. They both like him, his style of play, etc. Dad was hopeful that Benson, who coached Martin Mthodist College basketball in Pulaski, would be TS "father away from home." I suspect Tony Jones and Bruce P will try to work their way into that position.

JG isn't making his visit on the scheduled date as he needs time to prepare for the ACT. Our coaches told the G family he should worry about the ACT and make his UT visit later.

IMO, now that CBuzzP is gone, we have hired ourselves a good staff and regardless of TS and JG, we need to quietly stand by while these guys go after business.
Great post Volin2006. You hit it right on the head. Pearl will get his guys in due time. I don't know a thing about TS of JG, but there will be others if they do not work out for us. Let's keep patient and everything will work out.
is Damion Harris gonna be coming to UT next year??..And does anyone know anything about him?

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