Bush no Conservative



Sep 18, 2005
Please don't take this the wrong way. but President Bush is no conservative....

This isn't news to anyone who follows the movement. With the notable exception of tax cuts, Bush has followed, if anything a fiscally liberal course since being elected. A few examples:

* Spending: In a 2005 study by the CATO institute, a libertarian think tank, he was named the biggest spender since 1964.pending. Even if you ignore the increases to the defense budget. George W. Bush has been spending money like crazy. One key example is Federal spending on education. Republicans used to have the abolition of the Department of Education as goal. Since Bush's election, spending on Education has risen 131%.

* Medicare prescription drug benefit: To my limited knowledge, the largest new entitlement since the days of Lyndon Johnson.

* Campaign Finance Reform: IMO, a violation of free speech.

* Harriet Miers....need I say more.

* Complete disregard for border security.

* Veteod one Bill since being elected (Stem Cells).

I could go on, but at this hour I need sleep. In addition, there are posters in the Vol Nation, who can do a much better job, than I, in relating this line of thinking.
(USMCvol @ Jul 30 said:
Please don't take this the wrong way. but President Bush is no conservative....
This isn't news to anyone who follows the movement. With the notable exception of tax cuts, Bush has followed, if anything a fiscally liberal course since being elected. A few examples:

* Spending: In a 2005 study by the CATO institute, a libertarian think tank, he was named the biggest spender since 1964.pending. Even if you ignore the increases to the defense budget. George W. Bush has been spending money like crazy. One key example is Federal spending on education. Republicans used to have the abolition of the Department of Education as goal. Since Bush's election, spending on Education has risen 131%.

* Medicare prescription drug benefit: To my limited knowledge, the largest new entitlement since the days of Lyndon Johnson.

Bush never ran as a fiscal conservative. Anyone who knew anything about his candidacy in 2000 should not be surprised by the spending he endorses/

* Campaign Finance Reform: IMO, a violation of free speech.

I do not believe I would chalk the McCain-Feingold Bill up to Bush. I believe I would chalk that one up to McCain being a sore loser.

* Harriet Miers....need I say more.

* Complete disregard for border security.

Actually, keeping troops off the border is actually a conservative value.

* Veteod one Bill since being elected (Stem Cells).
I could go on, but at this hour I need sleep. In addition, there are posters in the Vol Nation, who can do a much better job, than I, in relating this line of thinking.
I think Bush's greatest accomplishment is spending his time fighting ghosts in Iraq while leftists take over Latin America. Way to take care of your own backyard, W.
Bush is indeed the leader of the "new conservatives." For decades, the Republican Party was first and foremost fiscally conservative. Secondarily, they were a pary of common sense with several policies such as strong defense for the purpose of deterring our enemies due to our strength alone. Slow change if any judicially. But in a nutshell the primary focus of the GOP was the wise spending of our tax dollars.

Today, the new conservative movement is made up of a lot of former dems who have a fundamentalist Christian agenda. They spend money, they are for using our defense as aggressors rather than defenders. They pander to populists by promising tax breaks and speak of return of public prayer, speak of being against abortion and work toward the quashing of stem cell research. Unlike the GOP of old that used diplomacy and statesmanship to solve problems, they are quite divisive in their approach. If you ain't for them then they label you, dis you and try to make you look like some kind of commie.

Being raised as what was referred to as an "East Tennessee Republican" I am totally dismayed at the bunch of liberal beaurocrats that have taken office. More and more I'm liking the Libertarian Party.
(BHAMVOLFAN @ Jul 31 said:
Bush is indeed the leader of the "new conservatives." For decades, the Republican Party was first and foremost fiscally conservative. Secondarily, they were a pary of common sense with several policies such as strong defense for the purpose of deterring our enemies due to our strength alone. Slow change if any judicially. But in a nutshell the primary focus of the GOP was the wise spending of our tax dollars.

Today, the new conservative movement is made up of a lot of former dems who have a fundamentalist Christian agenda. They spend money, they are for using our defense as aggressors rather than defenders. They pander to populists by promising tax breaks and speak of return of public prayer, speak of being against abortion and work toward the quashing of stem cell research. Unlike the GOP of old that used diplomacy and statesmanship to solve problems, they are quite divisive in their approach. If you ain't for them then they label you, dis you and try to make you look like some kind of commie.

Being raised as what was referred to as an "East Tennessee Republican" I am totally dismayed at the bunch of liberal beaurocrats that have taken office. More and more I'm liking the Libertarian Party.

I do not believe that Bush is anywhere near fiscally conservative. However, did you vote for Bush in 2000?
yes I did and also in the next election. I cannot wait to see the list of idiots we'll have to chose from in 2007...a scary thought.
(BHAMVOLFAN @ Jul 31 said:
yes I did and also in the next election. I cannot wait to see the list of idiots we'll have to chose from in 2007...a scary thought.

Here are some responses from his NPAT in the 2000 election, concerning major issues in his presidency, thus far:
Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape.
Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered.
Prohibit the dilation and extraction procedure, also known as "partial birth" abortion.
Bush 'supports banning use of taxpayer funds for abortion.' Embryonic Stem Cell Research?

Increase the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns.
Require unions to get members' permission before using union dues for political advocacy.

Support creation of more charter schools where teachers and professionals receive authorization and funding to establish new schools.
Give all federal education funding to states in the form of block grants and allow the states to spend it as they see fit.
Increase funding for block grants to states to help them hire additional teachers.
As President, Governor Bush will increase federal funding for abstinence education to a level at least as high as that provided for teen contraception programs.
Governor Bush will empower lower-income parents by providing them with certificates that can be used to pay for after-school activities of their choosing - whether run by a community group, a neighborhood church, or a local school.

Do you support the United Nations (Kyoto Conference) treaty, in its current form, regarding global climate change? "No."
As President, Governor Bush would require that the federal government carefully evaluate the impact of regulatory initiatives on private property rights. In the event that the government, acting on behalf of all citizens, asks private landowners to refrain from utilizing land, should receive just compensation for their loss.

Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
Bush states that 'there needs to be laws that say that if a parent is irresponsible and a child ends up with a weapon, the parent ought to be held accountable.

Support legislation to provide prescription drug coverage under Medicare.
Increase the budget for Community and Migrant Health Centers by $3.6 billion over five years to increase the number of health centers by 2001.
Bush states that 'individuals and families that do not receive employer-sponsored coverage and that are not eligible for public programs, will receive a health credit of up to $1,000 per individual and $2,000 per family to cover up to 90 percent of the cost of health insurance.
The Healthy Communities Innovation Fund [which] will support pilot programs and demonstration projects for targeted purposes, such as AIDS education or mental health awareness
Do you support increasing taxes on alcohol and cigarettes to help defer costs of Medicare and Medicaid? "No."

Support the separation of the INS into two bureaus: one administering naturalization and one administering border patrol.
Propose a 6-month standard for processing immigrants applications: every INS immigration application will be fully processed within 6 months of submission. Governor Bush believes no immigrant should have to wait more than 6 months for the INS to make a decision on his or her application.

Wants to 'eliminate the Social Security earnings test.'
Regarding A and B, Bush 'supports making personal retirement accounts part of Social Security reform

That is what he stood for while running. His track record has been pretty consistent with what he ran on. If Republicans are upset at him because he is not conservative enough, well, he is just as conservative now as he was when he won the Republican Primary.


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