Bush Would Send Troops Into Pakistan....



Five Star Recruit
Oct 4, 2005
Bush says he would send troops into Pakistan if the US had intel on Osama's whereabouts. Is this believeable? Would this be done? Could this be done? And what would the repercussions be?
Thanks.....having two windows open and being distracted by a five month old causes slip ups like that.
Bush says he would send troops into Pakistan if the US had intel on Osama's whereabouts. Is this believeable? Would this be done? Could this be done? And what would the repercussions be?
Believable? Yes.
Would this be done (I am assuming in the event that there was sufficient intel to strike)? Yes.
Could? Yes.
Repercussions? Pakistan, along with all other countries that have been harboring anti-American sentiment, gets ticked off at the US. However, no military action is taken against the US.
Nothing else? No revolts? Coups? Assassinations? Pakistan changing hands? India getting jittery?
I for one thought that this was a very dangerous statement by W. The man simply doesn't think before he speaks.

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