Butch Jones Can Still Win



Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2011
Yesterday's blowout loss was ugly, but it's time to put things in perspective. It's not the end of the world and Butch Jones can still be a huge success here.

Thoughts on the game, Butch Jones, and moving forward.

The game

1. Oregon's offense may be the greatest in college football history. That is no exaggeration. Not exactly an easy task for a 1st-year coach with a depleted secondary and a limited offense.

2. Butch's game plan may not have been perfect, but the real problem wasn't the game plan. It was a lack of horses to run it.

3. You can't win in the top echelons of college football without taking risks. We took very few risks yesterday, but that may have had to do with limited options.

4. Justin Worley is the ultimate no-risk / no-reward QB. He doesn't make huge mistakes, but his limitations and conservatism mean that the defense doesn't respect the passing game.

5. Our O-Line was phenomenal yesterday; it's just that most people didn't notice it because Oregon discovered that they could focus almost 100% on stopping the run with zero consequences, due to Worley's limited passing game.

6. Our "D" wasn't as bad as the 59-point shellacking would indicate. The real problem was the offense. You can't expect to hold Oregon under 50 when you go three-and-out every series.

7. We actually held Oregon's rushing game reasonably in check. It didn't matter, though, because they picked apart our weak secondary. And once we went 3-and-out every time, that already thin secondary tired out.

8. Our QB position is clearly a huge weakness, and it's difficult to win games (without a great defense) given that. We don't have any great options. That's not Butch's fault.

9. Throw me in the Nate Peterman camp at this point. Worley might be a better "game manager", but I think we're better off with Peterman's mistakes if it opens up the offense a little bit. We can't win if every team loads the box to stop the run.

10. The "D" actually looked good in the first quarter. Once we started giving away the ball every four plays, that's when they started to struggled. In other words, our "horrible D" was at least partly a function of our offensive futility.

11. Overall, while we had hoped to keep the game closer, it went about as expected. Our O-line and running game were great. Our D-line was good and put some pressure on Oregon. And absolutely none of that mattered, because Oregon exploited our weak passing game, weak secondary, and poor special teams coverage to the fullest extent possible. Give them credit for a brilliant game plan.

Butch Jones and Keeping Things In Perspective

1. It may have been ugly, but it's just one game.

2. How can Butch Jones rebound from this? Ask Nick Saban how he rebounded from a 41-9 thumping by Florida in 2000. Or you could ask Steve Spurrier how he rebounded from a 45-3 annihilation at the hands of Tennessee in 1990. Or how about Jim Harbaugh and his 41-3 loss to Arizona State in game #4 of his tenure at Stanford?

3. Anyone remember Chip Kelly's first game at Oregon? 19-8 versus Boise State and it was more embarrassing than the score would indicate. The media immediately started to question whether he was the right guy. So much for that.

4. Not saying that Butch Jones is going to rebound in the same way as Spurrier or Kelly and win big in his 1st Season, but I am saying that you can't judge him based on one game where our guys were clearly outmatched in every single way.

5. Unfortunately, this is a reminder that we still have a weak team. Butch is playing in the toughest conference in America with some limited options, particularly at QB and in the secondary.

6. Coaches in "turn-around" situations are very rarely successful in Year 1 and even when they are, it's often more the result of the prior coaching staff that stockpiled talent, but didn't know how to use it (see: Ron Zook, Ed Orgeron). It normally takes a few years to see results.

7. Recruiting is going to be absolutely vital to get back to the top of the SEC. Which is why we should have some patience through Butch's first two years. On a talent level, we're probably in the bottom half of the SEC until Year #3.

8. Butch is a great recruiter and even if he were to go 5-7 the next two years (and I don't think he will), if he brings in two top 10 classes, there are reasons for optimism.

Moving Forward

1. If we faced the greatest offense in college football history yesterday, our next game could be against the best defense in college football this year. Florida's "D" is really, really good.

2. Anyone else notice that Western Kentucky lost to South Alabama? Perhaps USA is no longer a "freebie".

3. If you exclude USA and Kentucky, we still have 7 difficult games to go. Let's see how we fare in those games.

4. I still think we'll win at least 2 of those 7 games, as well as the USA and Kentucky games. Not going to be easy, but it's do-able.

5. I don't think Butch will pull the plug on Worley just yet, but I wish he would. Peterman might hurt us some in the short-run, but I can't see us having much of a shot in big games with Worley. He doesn't make "big mistakes", but that's because he doesn't take any risks.

Overall, I'm still "FULL BUTCH"! We lost to a great team and it wasn't pretty, but what's more important is to see how we move forward. I still have faith in Butch and what he's trying to build. I realize it might take some time to see results.

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how come when our schemes suck, play calling sucks it's o.k. But when a player sucks your ready for him to sit?

Did you watch Worley during the Dooley years? He hasn't exactly been great under any scheme or game plan. Mind you, he played in the same offense that many analysts considered 'the best in the SEC' last year.

Let's face it: Worley's upside is limited. I understand why Butch has pegged him the starter, but I think we need to understand where we are. A "game manager" QB can work out OK if you have Alabama or Florida's defense. In our situation --- I'm not so sure.

I don't want to throw him under the bus after one bad performance, but we've seen him for three years and it doesn't look like he's ever going to get much better than this. I hope I'm wrong, but it just feels like he's hit a wall.
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You have not seen him For 3 years, mop up duty and a couple of games while bray was out isn't 3 years! If You think this staff can compete with other SEC schools On game Day! Your Blind. Butch and company got schooled yesterday and it was our first Test ...guess how many more we have?

(Worley has Started in about 11 games in 3 Seasons) No he's not the answer, but neither is this scheme with 2 running plays!
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Great points, all of them. I'm having to eat my crow after defending Worley for two weeks, but I truly see he just isn't elite. Not accurate or strong-armed. His lack of accuracy cost us more than a handful of chances to move the chains. To those who blame the scheme, please know that our offensive scheme is somewhat similar to Oregon's, but simply don't have 4.3 backs and a 4.4 QB to be that explosive. And if you can't see that, then I ask, WHAT scheme would you like to implement?
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Great points, all of them. I'm having to eat my crow after defending Worley for two weeks, but I truly see he just isn't elite. Not accurate or strong-armed. His lack of accuracy cost us more than a handful of chances to move the chains. To those who blame the scheme, please know that our offensive scheme is somewhat similar to Oregon's, but simply don't have 4.3 backs and a 4.4 QB to be that explosive. And if you can't see that, then I ask, WHAT scheme would you like to implement?

1)Key Words Here "please know that our offensive scheme is somewhat similar to Oregon's",

2) things we should always do with out a REC TE, and No proven WR's a QB that is struggling is Line up in The I and run the freaking Ball! what happen to all this play to our strength coach speak
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You have not seen him For 3 years, mop up duty and a couple of games while bray was out isn't 3 years! If You think this staff can compete with other SEC schools On game Day! Your Blind. Butch and company got schooled yesterday and it was our first Test ...guess how many more we have?

Mop-up duty? He started a few games in 2011 when Bray was injured. For instance, the ones below:

SC vs TN, 2011
Ark vs TN, 2011

Albeit, he was a redshirt Freshman at the time, but the same flaws were on display in those games. He's improved as a "game manager" significantly, but he still can't throw the ball more than 15 yards with much accuracy.

It's a problem. We have a great running game, but teams don't have to worry about the deep ball with Worley on the field. It's simple enough to load up the box and if Worley makes a 5- or 8- yard pass here and there, no biggie.

I'm not totally down on Worley. I just don't think his "game management" style can work what we have. It could work at Bama or at Florida, but Peterman seems to be a better fit for our game, even with his significant flaws.
Thats Not 3 years! Don't care how you spin it! Peterman isn't the Answer. Start a freshman and lets build from there!
Great points, all of them. I'm having to eat my crow after defending Worley for two weeks, but I truly see he just isn't elite. Not accurate or strong-armed. His lack of accuracy cost us more than a handful of chances to move the chains. To those who blame the scheme, please know that our offensive scheme is somewhat similar to Oregon's, but simply don't have 4.3 backs and a 4.4 QB to be that explosive. And if you can't see that, then I ask, WHAT scheme would you like to implement?

Oregon started out using track guys that could throw "ok" to run this system. Our system is urban meyers... Big difference...
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Oregon started out using track guys that could throw "ok" to run this system. Our system is urban meyers... Big difference...

Sure. As I said, somewhat similar. In any case, I think Urban's system (what you call it) would work just fine with the horses to run it. He's teaching his young team the system they will run for years. To do anything else, limits season long growth. An above average QB hits the receivers. He did so ONCE (td pass). But Worley is the QB for a reason, bc he's better than all the others, which is sad, but true.

We don't have the players to compete. I'm simply confused as to what people want CBJ to do when the defense gives up 59 points. Line up and run the ball?? Oregon D loaded the box and dared Worley to throw it, and sure enough, he couldn't do it.

Until we get a true playmaker or three, a quality qb, and an experienced secondary, we aren't going to compete. I believe CBJ will compete in the next year and maybe pull out a game or two this year that shocks us.

Until then...
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If you are a fan of history...Tennessee gave up 62 points to Florida in 95. We won a National Championship 3 years later. So there's hope for the future.
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Yesterday's blowout loss was ugly, but it's time to put things in perspective. It's not the end of the world and Butch Jones can still be a huge success here.

Thoughts on the game, Butch Jones, and moving forward.

The game

1. Oregon's offense may be the greatest in college football history. That is no exaggeration. Not exactly an easy task for a 1st-year coach with a depleted secondary and a limited offense.

2. Butch's game plan may not have been perfect, but the real problem wasn't the game plan. It was a lack of horses to run it.

3. You can't win in the top echelons of college football without taking risks. We took very few risks yesterday, but that may have had to do with limited options.

4. Justin Worley is the ultimate no-risk / no-reward QB. He doesn't make huge mistakes, but his limitations and conservatism mean that the defense doesn't respect the passing game.

5. Our O-Line was phenomenal yesterday; it's just that most people didn't notice it because Oregon discovered that they could focus almost 100% on stopping the run with zero consequences, due to Worley's limited passing game.

6. Our "D" wasn't as bad as the 59-point shellacking would indicate. The real problem was the offense. You can't expect to hold Oregon under 50 when you go three-and-out every series.

7. We actually held Oregon's rushing game reasonably in check. It didn't matter, though, because they picked apart our weak secondary. And once we went 3-and-out every time, that already thin secondary tired out.

8. Our QB position is clearly a huge weakness, and it's difficult to win games (without a great defense) given that. We don't have any great options. That's not Butch's fault.

9. Throw me in the Nate Peterman camp at this point. Worley might be a better "game manager", but I think we're better off with Peterman's mistakes if it opens up the offense a little bit. We can't win if every team loads the box to stop the run.

10. The "D" actually looked good in the first quarter. Once we started giving away the ball every four plays, that's when they started to struggled. In other words, our "horrible D" was at least partly a function of our offensive futility.

11. Overall, while we had hoped to keep the game closer, it went about as expected. Our O-line and running game were great. Our D-line was good and put some pressure on Oregon. And absolutely none of that mattered, because Oregon exploited our weak passing game, weak secondary, and poor special teams coverage to the fullest extent possible. Give them credit for a brilliant game plan.

Butch Jones and Keeping Things In Perspective

1. It may have been ugly, but it's just one game.

2. How can Butch Jones rebound from this? Ask Nick Saban how he rebounded from a 41-9 thumping by Florida in 2000. Or you could ask Steve Spurrier how he rebounded from a 45-3 annihilation at the hands of Tennessee in 1990. Or how about Jim Harbaugh and his 41-3 loss to Arizona State in game #4 of his tenure at Stanford?

3. Anyone remember Chip Kelly's first game at Oregon? 19-8 versus Boise State and it was more embarrassing than the score would indicate. The media immediately started to question whether he was the right guy. So much for that.

4. Not saying that Butch Jones is going to rebound in the same way as Spurrier or Kelly and win big in his 1st Season, but I am saying that you can't judge him based on one game where our guys were clearly outmatched in every single way.

5. Unfortunately, this is a reminder that we still have a weak team. Butch is playing in the toughest conference in America with some limited options, particularly at QB and in the secondary.

6. Coaches in "turn-around" situations are very rarely successful in Year 1 and even when they are, it's often more the result of the prior coaching staff that stockpiled talent, but didn't know how to use it (see: Ron Zook, Ed Orgeron). It normally takes a few years to see results.

7. Recruiting is going to be absolutely vital to get back to the top of the SEC. Which is why we should have some patience through Butch's first two years. On a talent level, we're probably in the bottom half of the SEC until Year #3.

8. Butch is a great recruiter and even if he were to go 5-7 the next two years (and I don't think he will), if he brings in two top 10 classes, there are reasons for optimism.

Moving Forward

1. If we faced the greatest offense in college football history yesterday, our next game could be against the best defense in college football this year. Florida's "D" is really, really good.

2. Anyone else notice that Western Kentucky lost to South Alabama? Perhaps USA is no longer a "freebie".

3. If you exclude USA and Kentucky, we still have 7 difficult games to go. Let's see how we fare in those games.

4. I still think we'll win at least 2 of those 7 games, as well as the USA and Kentucky games. Not going to be easy, but it's do-able.

5. I don't think Butch will pull the plug on Worley just yet, but I wish he would. Peterman might hurt us some in the short-run, but I can't see us having much of a shot in big games with Worley. He doesn't make "big mistakes", but that's because he doesn't take any risks.

Overall, I'm still "FULL BUTCH"! We lost to a great team and it wasn't pretty, but what's more important is to see how we move forward. I still have faith in Butch and what he's trying to build. I realize it might take some time to see results.


should put the freshmen qb's in and let them play. we are only going to win 4 or 5 games anyway.
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I thought with Petrino and they beat an SEC team, WKU was not horrible, but they lost to another team we play... South Alabama.

It just keeps on going...

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