Pat didn't start that line it has been used for years by great coaches. '
Giving or Winning Championship takes maximum effort all the time, in every facet of the game and life, in practice, to drills, to lifting, to studying, to watching film, to treatment, to offseason workouts, to studying the scouting report, to games, to getting in the gym on your own, to preparation, effort is the combination of will and focus, those who are elite do it with a sense of urgency.
And don't forget in the class room, yes Holly talks about it constantly cos she knows if she gets it every game, night in and night out, we will most likely win a lot games and become a great team! Teams should have to beat us rather than us beating our selves.
You don't think it takes effort to following the scouting report, when your coach tell you she has no left hand, so force her left, you let her go right all game.
Coaching effort is no fun, and its not like Butch is winning Championships. He's just winning games. Ask Nick Saban if he's coaching effort every game, nope he's coaching execution and strategy. But ask Muffet or Geno are they coaching effort each game, cos to coach effort you feel like a glorified babysitter.
Hey Diamond, "I need you have a good game tonite." I mean really what can you say, to motivate players to go out and play their hardest for themselves, that haven't already been said in sports. My coach used to say, "If I have to motivate or do rah rah to get your ass ready to play, well Im failing you as a coach. I want you go go out an play hard cos you love it. Go play like you love it!"
If you love it, you would never disrespect the game by not performing or giving 100%, cos from effort, comes results or growth, discipline, which leads to confidence.
If you love it, and you're shooting 29% from the three, the team is shooting under 30% from three, so that means what they are currently doing is not enough; it requires more effort from our ladies, get up more shots, cos we all know practice makes permanent.
So don't look effort like its..a bad thing.... its Lady Vols basketball, its championship basketball. If you see a coach with a losing record or under perfroming club, they are coaching effort, unless decimated by injuries.