Butch Jones today in Chattanooga



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
was at the Orange Grove Center. If you don't know about Orange Grove, they help special needs patients, so it was good to see them smile and enjoy a good day. Thumbs up to CBJ. :eek:k:
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You know why Butch is working his ass off over the entire country for us? Because Butch..


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My sister attended Orange Grove...this is big for Butch to take some time out of his very busy schedule for the real important things in life
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As a P.T., I have a couple of friends who did clinical rotations there when we were in school. Orange Grove is a great place. I'm glad CBJ is putting in the time to come visit.
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As a P.T., I have a couple of friends who did clinical rotations there when we were in school. Orange Grove is a great place. I'm glad CBJ is putting in the time to come visit.

Cool, my friend is the director there. You have to be a special individual to do that.
Orange Grove is a great place. My nephew has gone there for 29 years & it's enriched his life greatly. I was there yesterday & got to meet CBJ. Very impressive guy. Everyone was wowed by his speech. Not every city has a fantastic facility like this. Chattanooga is blessed to have it! Keep up the good work, OGC!!
Just because Dooley never won didn't mean he was a bad person. He performed numerous charities while at Tennessee.

I mean really, this sort of thing should have no bearing on wins and losses. Dooley felt compelled to do some good while at Tennessee given his position and now so does Butch. I get the sense that some people think Butch is doing this because he is trying to promote Tennessee and because this is what it takes to win. That could not be further from the truth. He is paying a visit to these kids because its the right thing to do.
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