Buzz Peterson under fire

Will Buzz Peterson be let go at season's end?

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I answer no..only 'cause, we is out there that would be better..
any answers??


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if anyone thinks Buzz will be fired at seasons end is living in a dream world
Know for fact he is safe as mothers love. Athletic Dept. loves him, Pat Summitt suports him. He is safe. :peace2:
Anyone listen to Sportstalk this afternoon? I thought I heard Hyams say that if the Vols don't win 14 games that Buzz will be gone. I was only half listening though. Did anyone else hear that?
well if that is true then buzz better pack his bags because we arent going to win another game.
I dont think he'll go this year because we dont want to be paying 3 men's head basketball coaches. Aren't we still paying Jerry Green??
Hyams wouldn't know where his butt was if someone didn't draw him a map. Buzz will still be the coach in 2006 and you can take that to the bank!
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Jan 31, 2005 7:51 PM
Hyams wouldn't know where his butt was if someone didn't draw him a map. Buzz will still be the coach in 2006 and you can take that to the bank!

That's been my feeling as well. I don' think Buzz is going anyway. I guess I was suprised that he would throw out something like that. He is usually pretty conservative in what he says. I guess it just caught me off guard.
Voted no but think it should be yes.

I work at UAB - we got Mike Anderson last year and that guy 1) has a system 2) has his players believing in his system, 3) has his players for the most part playing hard everygame and 4) plays a style that puts butts in the seat. Team is 15 - 5 this year. Sure its not SEC (Conf USA) but he doesn't have the athletes of UT either. UAB plays Louisville shortly - I'm betting there will not be a 35 - 5 run!

My point - UT should not be settling. If a guy like Mike Anderson is out there willing to go to UAB, there are others. (I think Jeff Lebo at Aub will be better than BP). I will admit I haven't watched many UT Bball games (3 or 4 per season) but since BP has been there - I've seen very little evidence of a man in control of a team.

Go Vols
I said he wouldn't be fired, but I sure wished he was. UT has too much money not to go out and get a real coach. come on put some money in the BB program.
Unless something changes in the next month and a half buzz will be here next year. FWIW someone on another board (that I know for a fact he knows what is going on) said that summit spoke to MH and told him to give buzz another year, but for him to make some adjustments to his staff. IMO look for Ferguson to be gone. ItÂ’s too bad we are going to lose out on the 2006 in state talent because the state in LOADED with talent. But with buzz coming back its only going to get worst. Just think our front line right now with out crump is what we are going to have all of next year.
We talked about this a few days ago and a guy told me he was going to come back next year and it would be official soon


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Yeah, from what I've seen, the Vols have talent. Just like the Gators football team this last season, though, they haven't got the fourth quarter juice. All the talent in the world doesn't mean a thing without the fourth quarter juice. If they could do that, the Vols could be #3 in the SEC, I believe.
Yes we have talent but a big issue is the very poor conditioning of our players. How many times this year have we played a great first half against good teams and then just come out in the second half and bomb? no stamina
If my predictions are correct and we end up at 13-17 then he should not be back in my opinion. He will be back next year, but I think next year may be his last.

There are a lot of good candidates out there, i think we listed several in another thread. I like Buzz and I know some will argue with me but if we finish 13-17 in his fourth year, I just don't think that is getting it done. Maybe he will come back and suprise me with a good season next year. I don't see it happening but I will be glad to eat crow.
I agree with you Freak. If he turns things around next year, then I will join you in the eating of crow. I want Phil Jackson though, is that too much to ask for?

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