Buzz, Puh-leeeeeze



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Staff member
Oct 23, 2003
So, why go from Tulsa to Tennessee?

"It was the money, the money is always enticing," Peterson said. "I was making $380,000 at Tulsa and then I went to $800,000 at Tennessee two hours from my home. I saw Jerry Green had won and gone to four NCAAs and so I thought something has to be right there. They tell you that they're going to do this and that but there wasn't a big commitment. Money gets you. I was hot at Tulsa (after winning the NIT in his only season) and now Bruce is hot after winning those two games (in the NCAAs)."

He almost makes it sound like he came here expecting someone else to win for him....
I have really been a little disappointed in Buzz. I know he has a right to be hurt and angry, but to tell the world his only motive for coaching at UT was MONEY??

Well when Buzz first got hired he said UT was a dream job for him. well its obvious that it was cause he slept for 4 years

funny how at the beginning it was a dream come true now it was just a payday

well if thats thats the way he is then good riddance good luck at Coastal hope we get to schedule them and then he can see how a real coach acts, coaches, and carries himself

Bruce "the Phoenix" Pearl is the man

goodbye buzz ball and HELLO BASKETBALL

I think that Buzz has already done a good job of proving that he is a loser.
And for him to take those shots (later in the same article) at the football program and the Lady Vols, when BOTH coaches went to bat for him to get another chance.

Forget him. He left Tennessee without an ounce of class, let's just drop him from our minds and get behind CBP.

Time to make the switch from Buzzball to Bruceball!
Maybe Buzz isn't the nice guy that we thought he was after all.
Originally posted by milohimself@Apr 14, 2005 11:31 PM
let's just drop him from our minds and get behind CBP.

Coach Buzz Peterson?? :blink:
Bruce Pearl... Just noticed they have the same initials. :lol:

From now on, I declare CBP = Coach Bruce Pearl.

And Buzz Peterson = doody head
Originally posted by redneckdave@Apr 14, 2005 11:43 PM
Bruce Pearl = The Phoenix

Buzz = Coastal Carolina's problem now

I didn't know big Buzz was going to Coastal.

What does that tell you? :D
At this level of competition you'd think a head coach would know there's always a better than average chance he's going to get fired. I mean, how did Buzz get the job to begin with? Yeah, we axed a coach who took us to 4 straight NCAA tourneys. I'm not saying I disagree with that, I'm just saying any coach who followed Green had to know that our reasoning isn't always clear and sensible.

So what happens? Buzz loses far more games than his predecessor and he's alarmed when he gets the ax.

At this level you just take your lumps and move on to either the next triumph or the next failure. Oh, and you do it like a man.

Poor Buzz.
Let's compare the differences between the 2 coaches. Buzz had success at Tulsa. Well, Tulsa first got their program started with Tubby Smith back in the early 90's And after Tubby left the program has been in good shape with a line of "hot" coaches including Bill Self. Same thing is happening at Southern Illinois. Bruce Weber, Matt Painter and now Chris Lowery. The program and not the coach is what is putting these schools in good position. Buzz had nothing to do with the success at Tulsa. Now let's look at Bruce Pearl. USI was on the verge of shutting their program down until he IMMEDIATELY comes in and makes them national champs in 3 years. He then goes to UWM where they had not won a tourney game in their 100+ year history and wins 2 games and in fact should have won 3 if you include the missed dunk at the horn two years prior against a heavily favored Notre Dame team that later went on to the sweet 16.

Bottom line is Pearl did not ride on any coattails to get this job and Buzz was sucking all the glory he could from his connections to the legendary UNC program. In short time we all we see the difference regardless if Tyler Smith or whoever else you want to name tags along for the ride or not.
Originally posted by USIEagles@Apr 15, 2005 7:21 PM
Let's compare the differences between the 2 coaches. Buzz had success at Tulsa. Well, Tulsa first got their program started with Tubby Smith back in the early 90's And after Tubby left the program has been in good shape with a line of "hot" coaches including Bill Self. Same thing is happening at Southern Illinois. Bruce Weber, Matt Painter and now Chris Lowery. The program and not the coach is what is putting these schools in good position. Buzz had nothing to do with the success at Tulsa. Now let's look at Bruce Pearl. USI was on the verge of shutting their program down until he IMMEDIATELY comes in and makes them national champs in 3 years. He then goes to UWM where they had not won a tourney game in their 100+ year history and wins 2 games and in fact should have won 3 if you include the missed dunk at the horn two years prior against a heavily favored Notre Dame team that later went on to the sweet 16.

Bottom line is Pearl did not ride on any coattails to get this job and Buzz was sucking all the glory he could from his connections to the legendary UNC program. In short time we all we see the difference regardless if Tyler Smith or whoever else you want to name tags along for the ride or not.

Excellent point.....

Peace Cross
I cannot wait to see what Pearl can do. I'm actually excited about men's basketball for more than just something to fill in football's offseason.


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