To Byron Young. Thank you for giving your all for the big orange. Its comforting and enlightening to see a young man who is strong enough in his faith to not be "scared" and to trust in his Lord and Savior for his future. If its intended for you to play in the nfl , you WILL play in the nfl. Were taught not to fear and you young man proved it. I think your performance in the Orange bowl will do nothing but increase your stock to some nfl team. THank you for putting your team first, and not yourself. I believe Hendon Hooker, if not injured would have been right there with you. Awesome to see young people with the faith to trust. Well done young man. Best wishes to you in the nfl. You earned it, you deserve it, You will excel. Whoever gets you , will be a team I watch. THank you again from long lifetime VOL fan.