C-SPAN Triple Dog Dares Congress


I guess C-SPAN must be joking since the dimcrap's intent to do everything off the record and behind closed doors since any committee meetings would have to pass muster with parlimentory procedure process in which the repugnators would at least have some input and opportunity for press conferences in which they could possibly sway more voters to their side and given the fact that 60 some odd percent of all voters already oppose obamacare that might put the dumcraps even in a worse position that they already own.

democrats, especially their leadership in Congress, are cowards.
democrats, especially their leadership in Congress, are cowards.

I'll agree, as long as you stipulate 'degenerate' cowards.

Furthermore, as far as I'm concerned they are liars, the truth is not in them and they are traitors to the American cause and may each and every damned one of them burn in hell forever.

I only wish we had an opposition party that offered something more than the slightest bit better.
I guess C-SPAN must be joking since the dimcrap's intent to do everything off the record and behind closed doors since any committee meetings would have to pass muster with parlimentory procedure process in which the repugnators would at least have some input and opportunity for press conferences in which they could possibly sway more voters to their side and given the fact that 60 some odd percent of all voters already oppose obamacare that might put the dumcraps even in a worse position that they already own.


That's an awful lot of words for only one period. :)
Did you all here Pelosi when asked about this? She said that this is the most transparent piece of legislation that anyone in congress has ever been a part of. The dems are a freaking joke, I wish we could send every single one of them home.
That's an awful lot of words for only one period. :)

Did you ever read the first paragraph of Moby Dick??

What if you only had one period a month?

Or none at all.




"The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest." --Thomas Jefferson

"There has never been a more open process for any legislation." --House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on the "transparency" of legislating the health care bill (The only thing transparent about the process is Democrats' motive to nationalize private health care.)

"I don't know if there is a senator that doesn't have something in this bill that was important to them. And if they don't have something in it important to them, then it doesn't speak well of them." --Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Godfather) on making offers that Democrats couldn't refuse.


"They think I shouldn't be expressing my views on this bill until they get a chance to try to sell me the language [on an abortion compromise].

Well, I don't need anyone to sell me the language. I can read it. I've seen it. I've worked with it. I know what it says. I don't need to have a conference with the White House. I have the legislation in front of me here. ... A review of the Senate language indicates a dramatic shift in federal policy that would allow the federal government to subsidize insurance policies with abortion coverage. ...

We're getting a lot of pressure not to say anything, to try to compromise this principle or belief. ... We are not just going to abandon it in the name of health care." --Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI)

Let The Sun Shine In!

Bypassing a conference committee also cuts out a public that will suffer losses from whatever monstrosity is produced by the cover of darkness. Americans stand to lose their power of choice over health care decisions and be stripped of a significant portion of their earnings to pay for a plan most don't want. They deserve to see in an open forum what is being done to them. Instead, they're likely to get whatever the Democrats want to force on them.

Without sunlight to disinfect the sordid mess, the public option could be quietly slipped into the final bill. Committee members could set the taxes on high-end insurance plans at an excessively punitive rate. The mandates placed on private insurance companies could drive many out of business and make premiums unaffordable to millions.

A long list of harmful ideas exists that could be tacked onto the bill, and few of us would know about them. Without a conference committee, the rule that requires the conference report to be publicly available for at least 48 hours before a vote would not apply.

In the 2006 and 2008 elections, Democrats gave their word.. :eek:lol: .... that under their care, government would have superior transparency. In August 2008, while campaigning for the presidency, Barack Obama made a similar pledge, saying he would hold health care legislation talks in the open "around a big table."

This is, after all, the United States Congress, not the Soviet Politburo. Our lawmakers are elected public servants, not unaccountable masters who make law in secret.

What in the hell are these people thinking??? :hmm:
:realmad: :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:
This is where I wish this site was like my gaming forums where we have "spoilers" where it takes parts of the text and you have to click on a button to expand it. Would make pages with gsvol's posts a bit more bearable to scroll through, and if I want to chuckle at one of the cartoons I can, but if i don't I don't have to scroll for an hour to get past them.

It's about time someone else started pointing this stuff out other than Fox et al. Maybe they will get more bite now.
This country needs term limits in the Senate and Congress and we need to rid the country of career politicians.
This is where I wish this site was like my gaming forums where we have "spoilers" where it takes parts of the text and you have to click on a button to expand it. Would make pages with gsvol's posts a bit more bearable to scroll through, and if I want to chuckle at one of the cartoons I can, but if i don't I don't have to scroll for an hour to get past them.

It's about time someone else started pointing this stuff out other than Fox et al. Maybe they will get more bite now.

You must have the world's slowest schroller, I scrolled past my post in less than a half second. :)
Did you all here Pelosi when asked about this? She said that this is the most transparent piece of legislation that anyone in congress has ever been a part of. The dems are a freaking joke, I wish we could send every single one of them home.

In response, Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto mocked, "Has a more false or awkwardly worded statement ever come out of anyone who has served as speaker of the House's mouth?"

Yep, she's right, it's transparently a government takeover of the healthcare and insurance industries.

Furthermore, when asked where the authority to mandate that Americans buy health insurance -- that they be forced under penalty of fine or imprisonment to engage in a particular commercial enterprise -- is located in the Constitution, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) answered, "Well, I would assume it would be in the Commerce clause of the Constitution. That's how Congress legislates all kinds of various programs."


Democrats let slip this week that there would be no typical conference committee on the competing House and Senate versions of the health bill, as "leaders" opted instead for private negotiations with "key" congressmen and senators, none of whom is Republican. Once an agreement is reached, each legislative chamber will vote again and send the unified bill to the president.

Without a conference committee, a rule requiring public access to the conference report for at least 48 hours before a vote would conveniently not apply. That means even more liberty-stealing treachery can be slipped into the bill with little notice. Funny how the "public option" doesn't mean that the public gets to know what's in the bill.



"We will have a public, uh, process for forming this plan. It'll be televised on C-SPAN.... It will be transparent and accountable to the American people." --Barack Obama, November 2007

"That's what I will do in bringing all parties together, not negotiating behind closed doors, but bringing all parties together, and broadcasting those negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are, because part of what we have to do is enlist the American people in this process." --Barack Obama, January 2008

"[T]hese negotiations will be on C-SPAN..." --Barack Obama, January 2008

"We're gonna do all these negotiations on C-SPAN so the American people will be able to watch these negotiations." --Barack Obama, March 2008

"All this will be done on C-SPAN in front of the public." --Barack Obama, April 2008

"I want the negotiations to be taking place on C-SPAN." --Barack Obama, May 2008

"We'll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who is, who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies." --Barack Obama, August 2008

"We will work on this process publicly. It'll be on C-SPAN. It will be streaming over the Net." --Barack Obama, November 2008


With today’s release of December inflation data by the US government, the Misery Index officially rose to Carter era levels. The Misery Index is the unemployment rate plus the inflation rate. During the 48 months of the Carter presidency, the lowest Misery Index was 12.60. With the release of today’s numbers, we now know that the December 2009 Misery Index was 12.72.

Some historical perspective: during the 96 months of G. W. Bush’s presidency, the Misery Index never surpassed 11.47. When Obama became president, the Misery Index was 7.63. In the eleven months of the Obama presidency for which data is available, the Misery Index has increased by 66.7%.

Even as generally an administration supporter, I too am very disheartened that this is being worked on behind closed doors.

I would add that I was also unhappy when Dick Cheney held his sercet talks with energy execs and fought tooth and nail to keep any disclsoures from it out of the press.

I assume all of you expressing outrage over these discussions being private also posted your criticism of Cheney for the same thing. I recall lots of stories about that on Fox News at the time. Oh, wait. No I don't.
Even as generally an administration supporter, I too am very disheartened that this is being worked on behind closed doors.

I would add that I was also unhappy when Dick Cheney held his sercet talks with energy execs and fought tooth and nail to keep any disclsoures from it out of the press.

I assume all of you expressing outrage over these discussions being private also posted your criticism of Cheney for the same thing. I recall lots of stories about that on Fox News at the time. Oh, wait. No I don't.

I'll concede that the previous administration was less than transparent but then again they never made transparency one of their main selling points in the election. Remember they cited the last administrations lack of transparency as unacceptable and told the American public they would do much better..........they failed and have been every bit as secretive if not more.
As bad as things are this awkward lurch into collectivism, obambicare may face abortion or stillbirth, either way it could well be DOA.

Still several hurdles to get over.

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