Caldwell: Great background video

These two guys are great. If they can work out an interview ever couple of weeks, they’ll wind up in major sports media.

Note: Edie is in like Flynn!
Loved their instincts for insightful, original questions that got to things I found interesting. Hope they keep honing their craft. Thanks for posting, CP!

If I was offering critique to these sharp guys: Prepare the wording of your questions so you don't spend so much time setting up the question. Keep it about the person you're interviewing, not your own experience. Those are the differences between an interview and a conversation. It also communicates respect for your interviewee's time demands.
FWIW... some questions I'd like to hear CKC's response to:

1) Over your career, is there a coaching moment in a practice that you are secretly the most proud of... like a eureka insight into what a player needed, or an inspired way to communicate something? Something that only another coach would fully appreciate.

2) If you could answer this question as if we were in church rather than a sports interview... in your coaching career, is there a moment that most tested your faith or forced you to a new level of trust in God?

3) What kinds of things did your new assistant coaches need to hear or see from you before they were ready to commit to begin this journey with you?

I'll hang up and listen to the crickets...
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