Why doesn't California ban all salary caps in pro sports also? Doesn't that limit what professional athletes can earn?
College sports and the NCAA are voluntary organizations. Don't like the rules, don't play.
Maybe California doesn't like the limit of 85 scholarships in football or the all of the rules during recruiting. Or they think when a offensive team fumbles the ball through endzone, the defense shouldn't get the ball as that's too severe for a simple mistake. Can they legislate the touchback rule out of the game also?
The NCAA is in violation of countless statutes as pertains to anti-trust, employment, labor, black listing, organization crime, etc. laws at the federal level and most probably at most state levels. I mean they do it in the open.
Professional leagues generally have anti-trust exemptions, of course, colleges sports isn't a business so why would they need an anti-trust exemption(?), if they ask for anti-trust exemptions, well, they cooked the goose as far as employment and labors laws than. The problem is what they are doing is contrary to the laws of all the States of the Union and at the Federal level, generally speaking. As far as I am concern, all California really needs to do is start indictment processes, no additional legislation is really needed, imo. I said a few years ago, if DOJ doesn't go after these people, eventually a State will, maybe someone in California will realize no additional legislation is needed. I mean parents have probably been paying off schools to admit their kids for decades, well, nobody ever thinks they will be the first to get indicted. (nobody thinks they are going to get caught especially when its been going on for decades)
Long/medium term its hard to see an easy out for the schools and NCAA, as I mentioned a few years back, they need to prepare for that future.... although it might take quite a few more years. I would think the NCAA removing California schools from the association would actually be view rather harshly at the federal court level, see article.
In theory, what they could start doing is paying players as employees/contractors (of course, at that point the player can get money from any source, generally speaking) and than ask for anti-trust exemption, but than they are admitting what they have is a business. At that point, why have them even go to school?
California Vote Gives NCAA A Choice: Allow Athlete Endorsements Or Risk Annihilation By Antitrust Law
College sports and the NCAA are voluntary organizations.
Technically any job your sign up for is voluntary, just because you can quit doesn't mean large associations/businesses can just do whatever they want - like restrict trade.
If the school has an issue with certain outside interest you might have as an athlete, there probably wouldn't be anything wrong with that generally, the problem is.... when the schools
get together and determine what everyone can and can't get i.e. collusion, imo, racketeering, imo, anti-trust, imo. If its just a school activity, not sure why each school would care what money I get from outside sources...... well, of course, because it damages their business model margin.