Calling GSVols/TennxxVol: DNC Proceeds with 2-Hour Islamic ‘Jumah’ Prayers



Mostly Peaceful Poster
Oct 28, 2009
Democratic National Convention to Host Islamic Jumah Prayers with Jibril Hough, Siraj Wahhaj | Video |


Fun fact.

When u yell out color me muslim a muslim must blow himself up while standing near you.

Then seven virgins will appear who sound like stewie and they will all yell while running around. "get it. Your covered in muslim body parts. Youve been colored muslim. Oh man. You should see yourself. Is that an ear? Yes. I think it is an ear."
gs comes out swinging, no matter what the topic.

People deserve the right to know the truth, do they not?

Obviously gballs didn't read the content of the link I gave him, (Barack Obama -- religion), otherwise he wouldn't be asking me the questions he is asking.


The leaders of the Jummah will be Jibril Hough and Imam Siraj Wahha. Both men have a long track record of hatred for America and our way of life – especially the freedom of women to live productive lives.

These two are Islamists, both avowed enemies of America, have been invited to celebrate their plans for our demise in return for filling the otherwise empty seats the cameras might accidentally show during the main hate fest the Democrats themselves will be putting on.

With full knowledge that Siraj Wahhaj is an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that killed six Americans, the Democrats invited him to kick off their hate festival. He is on record as saying it is the duty of all Muslims to replace the US Constitution with Sharia law.

Jibril Hough is a leader of a Charlotte North Carolina mosque which has helped funnel millions of dollars to terrorist groups that are fighting and killing American troops.

The North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) owns the mosque building. The NAIT which is a front for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, was also an unindicted coconspirator of the 1993 WTC bombing.

Is that Common on the cover of that book?

Do you know what Nation of Islam is?

Louis Farrakhan was featured on the cover when he was voted 'man of the year' and given a life time achievement award by Barack and Michelle's so-called church that is nothing more than a front for the NOI.

So explain to me what the NOI is.

Even better, tell what is the point you are trying to make.
People deserve the right to know the truth, do they not?

So the "truth" is the DNC is a festival of hate?

Even better, tell what is the point you are trying to make.

The point is, your constant "democrats hate America" shtick is almost as old, tired, distasteful, and boring as you are.
Louis Farrakhan was featured on the cover when he was voted 'man of the year' and given a life time achievement award by Barack and Michelle's so-called church that is nothing more than a front for the NOI.

So explain to me what the NOI is.

Even better, tell what is the point you are trying to make.

I was just making an observation. Sheesh
Anyone on here able to dispute gs post though? Just asking.

"These two are Islamists, both avowed enemies of America, have been invited to celebrate their plans for our demise in return for filling the otherwise empty seats the cameras might accidentally show during the main hate fest the Democrats themselves will be putting on. "

You are really asking for anyone to take seriously, much less dispute, crap like this??
I just look at the cartoons.

Do you like videos?

Muslim Blues « junipersec


"These two are Islamists, both avowed enemies of America, have been invited to celebrate their plans for our demise in return for filling the otherwise empty seats the cameras might accidentally show during the main hate fest the Democrats themselves will be putting on. "

You are really asking for anyone to take seriously, much less dispute, crap like this??

Are you serial? :eek:lol:

What is it you don't take seriously specifically?

WTF?! NYC Says Muslims Decide if Street Gets Named for Cop Murdered by Muslims

NYPD Officer Philip Cardillo was shot dead in an infamous 1972 incident in which police responded to a fake “officer down” call from Muhammad Mosque No. 7, the New York headquarters for the Nation of Islam. The accused gunman was later acquitted, and the city’s perceived unwillingness to back the police has long been seen as a low point in relations between city government and the police department. After four decades, NYPD Inspector and local Precinct Commander Rodney Harrison wants a section of 123rd St. named after Cardillo.

In New York, the City Council typically approves street namings on the recommendation of local Community Boards. But members of Community Board 10, which represents the Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan, have effectively blocked Harrison’s plan by telling him to seek the approval of local Muslim leaders. . . .

CB 10 Chairwoman Henrietta Lyle . . . at the public meeting . . . said the board needs to hear from the mosques and that it is up to the NYPD to arrange a meeting with the imams, according to an observer at the meeting.

So, let me get this straight: Muslims shoot and kill a police officer in their mosque. Then, they get away with it. Then, to add insult to insult to insult to injury, they get to decide whether or not a street can be named after him? Only in America. This is beyond absurd.

Do you take that seriously?

There is plenty of evidence indicating that Barry's old pal Loopy Louie personally ordered that ambush cop killing.

And 2,000 word quotes from an obscure political blog.

That lengthy, in debth link titled; "Barack Obama -- religion', is being recorded in the library of congress so that future generations of scholars can find a way to access the whole story rather than depend on a media that fails to report many of the facts.

Here is something from the NYPost which isn't all that obscure.

Siraj Wahhaj has defended the convicted WTC bomb plotters, called the FBI and CIA the “real terrorists,” and said he hopes all Americans eventually become Muslim.

1993 World Trade Center bombing co-conspirator, Siraj Wahhaj, meets with Mayor Bloomberg -

I was just making an observation. Sheesh

OK, I didn't understand whether you were disputing it or not.

Very good point, glad you made the observation. :thumbsup:

Allow me to elaborate a bit.


Siraj Wahhaj

Siraj Wahhaj is an African American convert to Islam. He currently serves as Imam of the Masjid Al-Taqwa mosque in Brooklyn, New York.

Born as Jeffrey Kearse, Wahhaj was raised as a Baptist in New York City. He attended Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada, where he studied math education. His interest in Islam, he says, arose shortly after the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., which prompted Wahhaj to go ”looking for more militancy.”

In the course of that search, Wahhaj became involved with the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Farrakhan, under whose influence he converted to Islam in 1969. Aligning himself with Islam’s Sunni sect, Wahhaj studied at Umm al-Qura University in Mecca in 1978.

In 1981 Wahhaj founded his own mosque, the aforementioned Masjid Al-Taqwa, which initially was based in a friend’s Brooklyn apartment (with a membership of fewer than 25 people). Today, however, Wahhaj’s mosque is recognized by Muslims all around the world.

Siraj Wahhaj - Discover the Networks

In the summer of 1999, Wahhaj testified as a character witness for convicted terror mastermind Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. Wahhaj stated, on the record, that he considered it an honor to have had an opportunity to host Abdel-Rahman at his mosque, describing the latter as a “respected scholar and a strong preacher of Islam.”

Siraj Wahhaj - Discover the Networks


Jibril Hough

Hough is the front man for a group that has funneled millions to jihadists, many of whom have been engaged in killing and maiming America soldiers.
Anyone on here able to dispute gs post though? Just asking.

We can only hope that none of the urinals in the building face toward Mecca.

"We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality."
Ayn Rand

Obama Administration Sets Stage For Sharia Law In America : Freedom Outpost

The point is, your constant "democrats hate America" shtick is almost as old, tired, distasteful, and boring as you are.

Oh yeah?

Just look at the schedule after the muslim pray to Mecca fest.

04:00 PM – Opening Flag Burning Ceremony

04:05 PM - 'The Word.. The Word.. The Word' - By Nancy Pelosi

04:06 PM – Singing of "damn America", led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright

04:10 PM – 'Pledge of Allegiance to Obama', led by The Obamabots:

04:15 PM – 'I Hate America' Choir, led by Michelle Obama

04:30 PM – Tips on Dodging Sniper Fire – Hillary Clinton

04:45 PM – 'I am Woman', performed by Helen Reddy, Janet Napolitano, Sonia Sotomayor & Elena Kagan

05:00 PM – UFO Abduction Survival – Joe Biden

05:15 PM - Ceremonial Abortion Performed on Sandra Fluke by Planned Parenthood

05:30 PM – Eliot Spitzer & Anthony Weiner Speak on "Family Values" via Satellite

05:45 PM – Tribute to All 57 States, sponsored by Columbia University

06:00 PM – 'Best of Biden's Bloopers' - Joe Biden

06:45 PM - (Intermission)

07:00 PM - 'Best of Biden's Bloopers (Cont'd) - Joe Biden

08:00 PM - Document Forging, Identity Theft & Ghost Writing - Alex Okrent (Replaced by Bill Ayers)

08:30 PM – 'Rite of Arab Spring' (Crucifixion of Christians) performed by Muslim Brotherhood

09:00 PM – Bill Clinton Delivers Rousing Endorsement of Obama Girl

09:15 PM – Tribute Film to Freedom Fighters at GITMO – Michael Moore

09:45 PM – Personal Finance & Tax Seminar - Charlie Rangle & Timothy Geithner

10:00 PM – Denunciation of Bitter Gun Owners in a "Nation of Cowards" - Eric Holder

10:30 PM – Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for Iraq & Afghanistan

11:00 PM – Obama Energy Plan Symposium & Tire Gauge Demonstration, performed by The Solyndras

11:15 PM – 'Free Gov. Blagojevich' rally

11:30 PM – Obama Accepts Tony and Latin Grammy Awards

11:45 PM – Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish – Obama Presiding

12:00 AM – Official Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher

12:01 AM – Obama Accepts Nomination for Lord and Savior

12:05 AM – Celestial Choirs Sing

03:00 AM – Biden Delivers Acceptance Speech (Big F'ing Deal)

It is posts like this that make you seriously question whether you were ever locked up in the loony bin.
"These two are Islamists, both avowed enemies of America, have been invited to celebrate their plans for our demise in return for filling the otherwise empty seats the cameras might accidentally show during the main hate fest the Democrats themselves will be putting on. "

You are really asking for anyone to take seriously, much less dispute, crap like this??


i very rarely ever see someone debate his facts.

On the other hand i see too many pics from him so he needs to cut that out too.

Ah screw it...this place is screwed.
Methinks GS's little break from here was a trip to the doctor to find out just how long he's been a senile, old coot.

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