Calling on VolNation...please help!



Thangs just aint the same for gangstas...
Sep 30, 2008

A local orange-bleeding family needs your help raising awareness in hopes of reuniting a new family.

Our dear friend is stuck in Africa with his two adopted sons and needs help getting out. He has a 6 week old daughter at home he has yet to meet. His two precious boys are excited to start their new life and are simply awaiting a signature and stamp of approval to leave the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Some of you may have come across this story on Facebook but may not have known that this is a local family. Please help us reunite a husband and wife and bring the entire family together. Below is a link with their story and a petition to sign to show your support. Please send up a prayer that these boys and their new daddy return safely to the greatest place to call home. I don't know of any better way to help our dear friends than to call on the support of Volunteers!
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Oh wow what a heartbreaking story. Praying for a terrific ending, though! Signing and passing along to everyone I know for signature as well. Thanks for sharing.
I signed as well, hope can help

Me too, man. This is so hard. My dear friend is sitting in Africa with his two boys who have never met their Mom...all the while his wife is sitting at home with a baby girl who has never met her dad. I just don't know what else to do other than beg for support and prayers. My kids are so anxious to meet the boys and welcome them to God's country.

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