Can someone find the video



The MojoMofo
Feb 2, 2010
of Vandy players using vulgar language and gestures toward UT and coach Jones and link it. The Chancellor of Vanderbilt is taking this very seriously. It seems to have been taken down. I'm speaking with him later today. Thanks.
of Vandy players using vulgar language and gestures toward UT and coach Jones and link it. The Chancellor of Vanderbilt is taking this very seriously. It seems to have been taken down. I'm speaking with him later today. Thanks.

Search "ut vs Vandy 13"

It's pretty graphic and I'm not too sure it's players from Vandy but rather rejects who shouldn't be able to use technology.
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of Vandy players using vulgar language and gestures toward UT and coach Jones and link it. The Chancellor of Vanderbilt is taking this very seriously. It seems to have been taken down. I'm speaking with him later today. Thanks.
Find'em yourself.
I'm drunk.
of Vandy players using vulgar language and gestures toward UT and coach Jones and link it. The Chancellor of Vanderbilt is taking this very seriously. It seems to have been taken down. I'm speaking with him later today. Thanks.

CBJ hasn't faced Vandy.
So how could anything like this happen?
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of Vandy players using vulgar language and gestures toward UT and coach Jones and link it. The Chancellor of Vanderbilt is taking this very seriously. It seems to have been taken down. I'm speaking with him later today. Thanks.

The original one was taken down.

The one that's up now is a copy. :good!:
The Video was forwarded to the Chancellor. He is not taking it lightly. I don't know for sure that they are players. Apparently, that doesn't matter.
I think it's kinda funny. They didn't do anything illegal. It was stupid, but I don't understand why they should get in trouble for it.
I think it's kinda funny. They didn't do anything illegal. It was stupid, but I don't understand why they should get in trouble for it.

I feel it's this type of cavalier attitude in our society that has led to this country's downfall. Using this type of language and gestures in a public forum toward an institution or individual is just plain wrong and shouldn't be tolerated. Nowadays, the more vulgar and obscene you are the more famous you become. It's backwards. Yea call me old fashion but I would never hire individuals that acted like this. Apparently, the administration at Vanderbilt agree with me. Just my two cents.:hi:
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^ I wouldn't do it or hire anyone who had, as you stated. They did something stupid which happens all the time. It's really not a big deal to me. I'm not offended or anything like that by what they said. If they want to be a bunch of buffoons then they can be a bunch of buffoons. I don't understand why anyone cares.
To wrap this up, I just spoke with the official at Vanderbilt. The two leading characters in the video were players but have since been kicked off the team for other reasons a few months ago. He showed the video to the coaching staff and the team has been put on notice. Any type of this behavior would not be tolerated and immediate dismissal would follow. This post is for only those that are interested.
I think it's kinda funny. They didn't do anything illegal. It was stupid, but I don't understand why they should get in trouble for it.

Probably because the rape scandal already gave the entire university a black eye. Then this... though not illegal... definitely doesn't add to the pristine image that I'm sure Vanderbilt University is trying to not only uphold but probably re-establish at this point.

And as a private institution if they want to keep denizens from tarnishing their fine academic image... more power to them.
I could see Butch completing his pre-game speech for the Vandy match-up by showing this. But, on the other hand, I suspect it will make the rounds quite a bit well before that contest.

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