Can UT win the SEC? Why not?



Junior Member
May 7, 2005
I think this year is their best shot of winning the SEC. Even though the schedule is very tough I can't imagine anyone else in the SEC having more talent than UT.

QB. Eric Ainge has a chance to be a 1st round draft pick if he stays healthy. He has good mobility in the pocket. He can make any throw and he is smart. He also has a cool head on his shoulder. Rick Clausen isn't as good as Ainge but he proved he can get the job done. Jon Crompton will be a good quarterback at UT.

RB/FB. At the fullback position no team in the country is as stacked as UT. Cory Anderson is a stud. I sure as heck would hate to have to tackle him when he has a head of steam. Cory blocks well,runs the ball well and can catch the ball out of the backfield. David Holbert is very good himself. At the RB position Gerald Riggs is finally living up to his press clippings. Everything I hear about Arian Foster has been great.I have a feeling you will hear more about Jakouri Williams before this season is over. Incoming freshmen Lamarcus Coker and Monterio Harvesty are studs.

OL. UT has 3 linemen who are as good as anyone in college football. Rob Smith is a road grader. Aaron Sears and Cody Douglas are very good. Albert Toneia is good also. I hope David Ligon,Steven Jones,Ramon Foster and Eric Young can step up this year. I hope Josh McNeil can contribute this year. I also hope Ritchie Gandy's knee can get better.

TE. Chris Brown has the potential to be a very good tight end. Justin Reed has showed some flashes.

WR. This is the position on UT's offense where they are the most stacked. Robert Meachum is the most gifted receiver on the team. He can be an all american. Chris Hannon has all the tools to be a great one himself. Not many 6'4 receivers run a 4.3 forty. CJ Fayton is very steady. He showed in the Cotton Bowl he had enough speed. Bret Smith is very talented. Jason Swain is the most physical receiver on the team. Not many teams have these kind of receivers.

With this kind of talent on offense this team should score points in bunches.I will be dissapointed if this team doesn't average over 30 points a game.

DE. Parys Haralson is the bellcow of the end corps. Jason Hall has played well also. I look for Antonio Reynolds to have a good year. Xavier Mitchell played well for a true freshman last year.

DT. Jesse Mahelona is the best in college football. He is very strong and quick as a cat. Justin Harrel looked like an Albert Haynesworth/John Henderson type player in the Cotton Bowl. He nearly killed that quarterback for TAM. With McDaniel and Harris in trouble I think it is important for Demonte Bolden to play well. I heard he has looked good in spring drills. Turk McBride has played well. It sure would have ben nice if JP Mapu was still on the team.

MLB. I think if Kevin Simon can play to his potential and stay injury free he will be special. Jon Poe has played well.

OLB. Jason Mitchell and Omar Gaither are as good as any in college football. Both guys fly to the football. If Marvin Mitchell can stay healthy and Daniel Brooks can stay out of trouble they will be good players.

CB. Jason Allen is as good as any in college football. Antwan Stewart,Jonathon Heffney and Roshaun Fellows needs to play well.

S. This is a position that I believe a true freshman like Adam Meyers White or Demetris Morely could contribute right away. I believe Antwan Stewart,Corey Campbell and Jonathon Heffney can play this position.

On defense the front 7 is as good as anyone in the country. If all the secondary guys were as good as Allen UT would be set. The secondary is the only reason UT could not win the SEC.

K. James Wilhoit has flashes of brilliance then he looks like an average kicker. Need more consistancy from him.

P. I hope Britton Colquitt punts like his brother,dad and his uncle did at UT.

All of speciall teams need to get better. Return teams were awful last year. Coverage teams weren't all that great either.

It has been 7 long years since UT has won the SEC. I want to see an SEC title. I want Fulmer and staff to coach like they did last season. I thought they did one of their best jobs last season. They coached last season like they had nothing to lose. They took chances and held nothing back. I want that same kind of effort this year.I hate to say this but it will be very dissapointing if UT doesn't win the SEC.
With Spurrier and Meyer at the helm of their schools, I think our chances are pretty much none.
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 29, 2005 9:51 AM
With Spurrier and Meyer at the helm of their schools, I think our chances are pretty much none.

:yikes: U-T has finally lost his mind.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Jun 29, 2005 10:32 AM
:yikes: U-T has finally lost his mind.

Yep, I think he finally has. He even agreed with LiO on a topic last night. It's just sad to see a good man go like that.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Jun 29, 2005 9:32 AM
:yikes: U-T has finally lost his mind.


I thought he was crazy as a cat from the get-go.


Nice preseason summary, Murvil. (And funny, but appropriate, name, too! I've got friends from over there.) Only problem: you've got me all excited and it's still over two months to kickoff!

A couple of comments. . . .

One, I'm not sure if I'd dub Ainge a "first round draft pick" quite yet. I sure as heck hope he becomes one, but before he was injured last year, he still had a ways to go. Kind of played like a less-talented Brett Favre -- too many forced throws and mental errors. He needs to learn that, sometimes, the best throw a quarterback can make is into the stands. One particular force against Bama nearly cost us the game, as I remember.

As for the receivers, backs, D-line, corners, and backers, I think you're right on. We're the most talented in the country if that were the whole team. The question marks will be: first and foremost -- safeties/deep coverage, special teams (terrible, terrible, terrible on returns last year -- except for one that was called back due to a stupid penalty), and the health of the O-line. If those areas can come together, and ESPECIALLY if a couple of young guys (Colquit, Morely?) step up, we could potentially run the table.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jun 29, 2005 10:43 AM

I thought he was crazy as a cat from the get-go.

In my best LIO impression

I think this could be a really interesting year in the SEC. First of all I think Spurrier's only impact is going to be in the newspaper and I think Urban might be given his GOD title a little too soon. Lets see how his peewee league offense does against some of the best defenses in the country. That said I think UT has as good a chance as anyone. I really believe the key to UT success is a strong start to the season and staying healthy.

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