Can we agree on two things?



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
1. The season isn't over with one embarrassing loss. I remember how awful we looked in the 04 Auburn (regular season) game and countless early season losses to Spurrier Florida teams, and we bounced back and had good wins later on. There's no reason to expect we can't improve as the season moves on. We have alot of opportunities to show improvement.

2. The head coach is not immune from criticism. If you have a crush on Butch Jones or can't bear to see anyone question anything about his performance, then stay off the internet. No one is suggesting he should be fired after one game, but it is equally absurd to suggest that if we close our eyes for 4 years, we'll open them to find a well-coached, dominant football team.
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I still support my Vols!!!
I knew this year would be tough. We need a QB to protect our D. 3 and outs exposes our lack of depth.
"Brick by brick", looks like Oregon took one of Butch's bricks and beat us over the head with it.

It's not just the talent differential...their coaches are a whole lot better than ours...we weren't even lining up to cover their tight end, sometimes we left the WRs and RBs out of the backfield open as well.

Finally, so much for our hallowed OL...they really underperformed!
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kinda looked like a fooley team to me no excuse.... should never get embarrassed like that when your the vols...... WE GOT FLAT OUT EMBARRASSED!!!! disgusted be the effort and saddened
no the season is not over, but that does not mean things do not need to be changed. i feel like we are still seeing a very limited playbook also.
"Brick by brick", looks like Oregon took one of Butch's bricks and beat us over the head with it.

It's not just the talent differential...their coaches are a whole lot better than ours...we weren't even lining up to cover their tight end, sometimes we left the WRs and RBs out of the backfield open as well.

Finally, so much for our hallowed OL...they really underperformed!

Ok...could you even see all of the players every time the TE caught the ball..what the alligment was...the camera men were confused part of the time.....also....could you see the pace.....easy to slip the tight end out when you are concerned with the running and throw qb.......and can do it in a split second.....finally...fatigue set in and the depth showed.....
The Dooley comments are getting annoying. Sure Butch isn't free from criticism, but lets keep perspective here, okay? Could it be the talent level just isn't there? Last year the talent was there, but still no results, therefore Dooley sucked. Let the process happen. Butch was 4-8 first year at Cincy. Lets not panic. The season is not over. This year lets focus on beating those we're are supposed to beat and get an upset somewhere (hopefully). Thats all I care about at this point.
I do too...I remember you from his recruitment in the recruitment thread. I bet he gets the start next week. We'll see.

I'd love to see him get the start. Talk about being torn, though. I'd want him to do great but would still want the Gators to win. :)

Just a little stat for everybody: no head coach in their first year at UT has finished 3-0 since Neyland in 1926.
Ok...could you even see all of the players every time the TE caught the ball..what the alligment was...the camera men were confused part of the time.....also....could you see the pace.....easy to slip the tight end out when you are concerned with the running and throw qb.......and can do it in a split second.....finally...fatigue set in and the depth showed.....

That's my point...our coaches were overwhelmed by their offensive system & wasn't just the talent-level differential between the 2 teams' players.

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