I just love the "Fulmer is god" crowd who think that if you don't like Fulmer, think he's bombed these past few years, or completely trash him that you automatically trash UT football. Fulmer is not UT football. Coaches come and go but are NOT the program. It's the same thinking that those who criticise Bush are anti-American. People try to personify an idea into a person and that's ludicrous.
I've been on the side that has criticised Fulmer. I will not waver and will not back down. Fulmer is responsible for letting this program tank into the hole it's in. Had some changes been made even just one year ago, the criticism would be a lot less. But his loyalty or whatever caused him to stretch this out one more year to the breaking point. Yeah he admits some responsibility. Good for him. But honestly should it have even come to this point? Does Fulmer get a free pass from the "kool aid" crowd or even no acknowledgement that this even happened to begin with?
Again, to beat the dead horse a little more, this was not just "one losing season" or "one bad year out of many good years". Those who say this claim we were super superior all these years and then we had this one bad year. Tell me this: how can you go from super high speed superior top programs in the nation to bottom feeder in one year or better yet overnight WITH the same coaches, same players, same schemes, etc.? What causes an overnight meltdown? NOTHING!!!! This DID NOT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT!!! Regardless if it even did, Fulmer would be ultimately responsible. But clearly you can't take the same players, coaches, etc. from top to bottom overnight. There HAD to be something going on behind the scenes that festered for quite some time. Those of you who can only use a record to defend your argument have to see that something was going on for quite some time. A record covered it up for most of you. Finally when the "record" blanket was pulled off, we ALL saw that there was a problem. But what astounds me is that even with everything uncovered and all the comments out there, including Rob Smith brokenhearted about JRS being booted, you STILL don't acknowledge anything but one token bad season.
Now don't get me wrong. Fulmer can turn this around. If he does, good for him. But he has a black mark and a question mark by his name in my book and should be thoroughly scrutinized because he allowed our program to get where it is now. This wasn't one bad play call or a bad hiring. This was a tanking of a top program in the country. This does not deserve a hand clap OR a slap on the wrist. I'd say even the boys on high are looking tightly over his shoulder breathing down his neck saying if you even stray one step in the direction of doing this again, you're gone. Game over.
So call me negative, pessimist, or whatever. Fulmer can turn it around and I think with the pressure on him and eyes watching he probably will. But like a child who does something extreme to disappoint a parent, they still love and care for him, but they sure as hell will tighten a leash and keep a much closer eye on him until that trust is regained.