Canadian pipeline attacked

He didn't care because he is a believer in their ideology. They are his people. Same with the mayors and governors of the areas where the peaceful rioting took place. They were cheering them on.
He doesn't care because he doesn't want anyone paying attention to this, for fear of drawing attention to his hypocritical actions with fossil fuels and environmental protection.
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Interesting read as far as being rather light on the actual incidence, and heavy on the Trudeau hate?

I agree there is disproportionate, to the point of lying, coverage for one event over the other. But this article doesnt do a good job in explaining why it should be considered on the same level.

A weeks long protest in the capital is going to be more news worthy than an unfinished pipeline getting attacked out in the wilderness. Maybe it's because I didnt finish the article but I didnt see a description on the attacks and damage done, or if anyone went to hospital.

I did appreciate they had their own foreign connection proposed in this article, it's the Chinese behind the eco terrorists. I guess maybe that's why it should be as concerning as the "Russian backed" trucker protest.

Was this just two "protesters" or were there 50? Was this the first incidence, or had issues being going on for weeks that just now turned violent? How did they damage the pipeline? I doubt an axe or a flare gun, to a not-in-use pipeline is that much of a threat.

I am ready to consider it worse than the Canada stuff, it just needs to be shown how it was. If it's two random hippies attacking people and sending them to the hospital for minor cuts, it's a non story. If this is a mob ramming vehicles into sections of pipes while workers are present, that's a bigger story.

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