What is your gut reaction when you hear/read a story about:
1. Cannibalism?
2. Rape?
3. 1st Degree Murder?
My gut reactions to the first two involve more outrage than my gut reaction to the latter.
Rationally, though, rape is the least absolute of these acts and there is, in my opinion, no harm done to a body sans soul, which means that rationally, at least for me, I should view both (1) and (3) with the same outrage; yet, as stated above, that is not my initial reaction.
Ah hell, it's lunch so I'll play along.
Initial reaction tempered by "why?" coming into play. Are we talking a rugby team crashed in the Andes? Are we talking a ghoul that just gets off on eating people after the fact or an outright cannibal that considers people prey? That last one also brings #3 into play as they have to murder first and go cannibal second. To the first scenario while a pretty repulsive idea it's really not too hard, I think, for most to wrap their heads around the concept that leaving meat to rot that could save you makes no sense as long as you had nothing to do with the provider's demise. The second scenario (ghoul) just seems to carry a "They WHAT?!!" incredulity to it that keeps that "gut punch" from landing as hard as it might. (or maybe that's just me) The intentional hunting of humans for food is a pretty big taboo. So much so it's almost hard for me to grasp as real outside a complete psycho being involved. From that assumption you (well I) always end up thinking of them as nutcase murderers first and whatever they do with the body (cannibalism, necrophilia, etc) just pouring crazy gravy on that fact.
Really hate rape. And I mean real rape here. A girl getting drunk and giving a guy a lapdance at a party and yelling "rape" when he pinches her boob doesn't count. A terrified girl succumbing to or being made to perform overtly sexual acts by force or threat of force just turns my insides black. There's just no way to parse or equivocate that, on any level. The fact that the victim might be able to take a shower and move on isn't the point with me...it's the monstrous mentality of the mind that would perpetrate such an act.
On the assumption that the "1st degree" was intended to take out the "frankly, they probably deserved it" sympathy that might come up in some cases murder both really hits me and glances off. Hard to describe. I think we hear about it often enough that, as bad as it is, if there's nothing to connect us to it personally it's just, well, another terrible thing that happened. If I pause at all to think about it though William Munny keeps coming to mind;
"It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have."
A big hole in the calander that used to be a birthday. All the ungiven and unreceived Christmas presents. All the hugs and kisses and smiles and laughter that ever could have happened for friends/relatives/sons/daughters/mothers/fathers/husbands/wives, etc. is just...gone.
Yeah, give me a minute to actually think beyond the headlines and the "up next" segment and I really ******* hate murder.