Anyone else notice that 95% of the penalties today went against UCONN? It couldn't have been that they want to make it look like we're getting our share of calls could it, especially since this game, for all practical purposes, doesn't matter. Just wait until the Missouri & especially the GA game and see how many go against us. Do we need to clean some up, sure, but the no-calls against Alabubba was just ridiculous. Maybe we need to start an NIL for our own refs. LOL.I've never been a "It's the refs boo hoo" kinda guy.Now if you couldn't see that there is absolutely been some bias in the past 2 sec games, u should fill out an application and become a referee urself..
Penalties today:Anyone else notice that 95% of the penalties today went against UCONN? It couldn't have been that they want to make it look like we're getting our share of calls could it, especially since this game, for all practical purposes, doesn't matter. Just wait until the Missouri & especially the GA game and see how many go against us. Do we need to clean some up, sure, but the no-calls against Alabubba was just ridiculous. Maybe we need to start an NIL for our own refs. LOL.
In PeeWee football, you learn where to line up on the line - what is insides and what is offsides. Where you can and cannot line up. Why are we, at this point in the season and frankly in these players’ careers struggling with lining up in the neutral zone. We have that called on us way too many times. It is a simple fix - just don’t do it - remember what you were taught in PeeWee football. It can’t be that hard. GBO.And all 17 were earned. We did better in the second half.
There is poor officiating every game. It’s part of the human aspect of the game. It usually goes one way or the other. Rarely is it neutral. It always affects someone. So unless you propose we review every play and dish out penalties I suppose you’ll keep seeing it. You either play well enough to overcome it or you don’t. Hope you don’t make excuses everywhere in you’re life.Youre right. Piss poor officiating has zero to do with the outcome of the games.
Just like poor wide receiver plays doesnt impact a QBs stats.