Can't believe it is the offseason


Eddie Vol Halen

Senior Life Champion
Sep 2, 2012
It's December 1st and the offseason is upon us. For me, the start of the offseason is a sad time indeed.

I think OneManGang said it best, Team 117 was not the best, but they held a line in preparation for better days last night, and they deserve our respect. For awhile there, the season was looking pretty good too.

Right now, the offseason could provide the biggest win for the Vols in a very long time. Vols have a date with destiny in February with 35 new VFLs who will shape the program for the remainder of the decade.

BuJo and company need to assess this first season of their OJT in the SEC and improve. They lose a lot of experienced Vols but still have to find a way of improving Team 118 and motivating them to achieving even more. Unless BuJo robs a Pilot store with a bb-gun, there will be no Gruden-watch this year.

It's the offseason, VolNation. Settle in for sunnier days ahead.
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It's December 1st and the offseason is upon us. For me, the start of the offseason is a sad time indeed.

I think OneManGang said it best, Team 117 was not the best, but they held a line in preparation for better days last night, and they deserve our respect. For awhile there, the season was looking pretty good too.

Right now, the offseason could provide the biggest win for the Vols in a very long time. Vols have a date with destiny in February with 35 new VFLs who will shape the program for the remainder of the decade.

BuJo and company need to assess this first season of their OJT in the SEC and improve. They lose a lot of experienced Vols but still have to find a way of improving Team 118 and motivating them to achieving even more. Unless BuJo robs a Pilot store with a bb-gun, there will be no Gruden-watch this year.

It's the offseason, VolNation. Settle in for sunnier days ahead.

Well said!
Has been refreshing this year to not hear about players getting into off the field trouble during the season with the exception of the Mo Couch situation which occcurred earlier. I'm sure every coach hounds his players about staying out of trouble but it seems some nitwit always decides to rob a store or resist arrest. Don't know why we have been so fortunate this year, maybe the Volympics and the peer pressure that goes with it helped but I think we can all agree that we hope that continues at least.
When are the spring practice dates announced? Anyone know? I'm ready to start the countdown.
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When are the spring practice dates announced? Anyone know? I'm ready to start the countdown.

I hope the recruits understand.
We the volnation are hungry!
We were put to bed without supper and will be coming out of the blocks fired up next season!
I started to write how I feel about the end of our season and it was so depressing I just backspaced over it. Here is to recruits on campus and spring.
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Bring in the recruits. I look forward to the "Tennessee will win 10 games this year" threads popping up in a few months. We have to wait until the 3rd quarter of next year? :X
Well i hate to break the bad news but the people who helped get it to this point are still there.

Mike Hamilton fired Fulmer when he probably shouldve gotten another year especially with the qb recruits he was in on. He then hired Kiffin who ran off said qb recruits and recruited a bunch of players who were seemingly here for a year and then were gone/arrested. Then he hired Dooley who had a losing record at La Tech and a cool last name.

You blame whoever you want, I think ill stick with Hamilton.
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Mike Hamilton fired Fulmer when he probably shouldve gotten another year especially with the qb recruits he was in on. He then hired Kiffin who ran off said qb recruits and recruited a bunch of players who were seemingly here for a year and then were gone/arrested. Then he hired Dooley who had a losing record at La Tech and a cool last name.

You blame whoever you want, I think ill stick with Hamilton.
Oh that's fine. He never made one decision by himself though.
Dear (all) Vol Recruits: We have a hungry fan base. We love UT football. If you come to Knoxville and give it your all, you will be heralded as Kings of Ktown.

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