CBS Offseason Top 25



Bandwagon Mod
Staff member
Feb 2, 2005
Just a great picture on the front page of CBS CFB page. Dodd does take a jab at us but what's new?

Funniest line:
5. Iowa: Calm down, Hawkeyes. Your offseason was made by ranking your team No. 2.

Great pic
It's okay to have an opinion, even if it's wrong

Va. Tech is even weaker in the O-line this year and will be the same way as last year -- Good defense but no offense whatsoever.
Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@Jul 8, 2005 9:17 PM
marcus vick

I just don't see little Vick as much of a threat YET. He doesn't really play like Mike did. Little Vick is more of a passer than anything. Tech going to the NC game will depend on Vicks decision making more than anything. I think that he's a better passer than his brother, but he is still making some bad reads and bad passes. We'll see though. He might figure it all out by the time the season starts.
Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@Jul 8, 2005 6:52 PM
if he is half or his brother he will be fine

He will need his offensive line to give him some breathing room. VT's o-line pretty much sucks and the ACC has some great defensive fronts. I think VT drops 3 or 4 this season.
Go UT. I am happy everyone is starting to jump off the tennessee bandwagon. Its going to be nicer when we walk into gainsvilee and death valley and woop some butt....
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Jul 8, 2005 9:33 PM
I just don't see little Vick as much of a threat

....Unless you are an underage girl.
Originally posted by BeltwayVol@Jul 8, 2005 11:37 PM
....Unless you are an underage girl.

:laugh1: True!
I liked this line: "Urban Meyer is appearing at a mall near you. Check local listings."

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