This is nothing new for the avant guarde progressive.
The head of the ethics department at Ivy League
Princeton, also called the father of animal rights, has
said that in order to succeed they must eradicate the
Judea/Christian religious tradition and that after much
success in that effort the final two taboos to be
overcome were sexual acts with animals and and
sexual acts with children which must be considered
normal behavior as is homosexuality and transvestianism
and other odd politically behavior as now is.
Political Correctness was a term promoted by Mao
Tse Tung and first articulated in The Thoughts of
Chairman Mao, or The Little Red Book.
Mao, by the way, stole his ideas about controlling
the language from Antonio Gramsci, and crystallized
Gramscis language thesis in Political Correctness,
which is the guiding spirit behind the speech codes
so prevalent today among leftist progressives.
And you don't have to go far to discover politically
correctness controlled speech.
For instance on this board you can't use the word
who dictionary definition is 'flaming bundle of twigs'
to describe those who get their sexual gradification
engaging in sexual acts with those of the same sex!
Hitler too believed in controlling what could or could
not be said and was a pederast himself.
He formed a great alliance with the world of islam
whose founder was also a pederast and it was his
followers who convinced der fuhrer of the final
solution during WWII.
Much of this sort of belief system comes from ancient
pagan belief and you will often find these sorts of people
are way into pseudo econlgy and saving the earth, etc
because those same pagan beliefs have to do with earth
As for the allowance of what may be said, the followers
of the moon cult of islam have cut out more tongues
to control what is or is not said than all the rest of
mankind put together.