Celebrity Worship correlates with diminished cognitive ability

Off the beaten path, but related to cognitive function, I’m watching 1883 right now. Sam Elliott’s character and his team are trying lead European immigrants across the plains and west to Oregon. He comes to find out that virtually everything was illegal in their former country and the punishments were severe. The trip, dangerous on its own, is made even more difficult by their conditioning for someone to think and make all the decisions for them. Fantastic line in the episode I’m watching… “These people have never been allowed to think for themselves, now they can hardly think at all.”

Back to your OP @AshG, I have NEVER understood the fascination with celebrities or tracking their every move. It’s completely foreign to me and I guess I’ve always felt like people were, umm, less intelligent or had some level of psychosis wrt to celebrity worship. I guess now I can rest easy that it’s been confirmed! 😁
Au Contraire - if only celebrities would fall on their face and worship God (or as a distant second at least something besides themselves), what a better world this would be.

As to the worship of celebrities, I'm right there with you.

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