Charged Football Players



Senior Member
Feb 8, 2005
guys do u think that the players charged will return to the team cause the reports say fulmer says there out but all it says is they will miss the orange and white game what is the final decision
If these players were wrong in anything it was a matter of poor judgment.

Lets try to remember that Brent is a year out of high school. I mean no direspect to the young posters here, but at an early age you can't be expected to have the foresight or life experiences that older citizens have.

It would have been best for the players and the young lady involved to go to the police and file a report on the phone in question. Hindsight is 20/20 every time.

When I was 23 I was in a nice family restaruant with my wife and oldest son. In a booth directly behind my wife were 2 men eating. One had obviously been drinking (prior to coming to the restaraunt, this place didn't serve alcohol at the time, this was 29 years ago) and he was using very foul, very loud language. I politely rose, went to him and very discreetly asked him to stop. The man with him apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. I thanked him (this was the innocent one, mind you) and returned to my seat. At that point the foul mouthed one let loose with a string of obscenities. I got up, went to his seat, grabbed him and tossed him over a salad bar. His friend got up and got him out of the building. When they went through the door the entire restaraunt applauded me.

I probably didn't use the best of judgment, but it was the RIGHT thing to do.

Sometimes the difficult decision is the right one. Time will tell which decision would have been right in this particular instance with our players.
Originally posted by OldVol@Apr 12, 2005 1:08 PM
If these players were wrong in anything it was a matter of poor judgment.

Lets try to remember that Brent is a year out of high school. I mean no direspect to the young posters here, but at an early age you can't be expected to have the foresight or life experiences that older citizens have.

It would have been best for the players and the young lady involved to go to the police and file a report on the phone in question. Hindsight is 20/20 every time.

When I was 23 I was in a nice family restaruant with my wife and oldest son. In a booth directly behind my wife were 2 men eating. One had obviously been drinking (prior to coming to the restaraunt, this place didn't serve alcohol at the time, this was 29 years ago) and he was using very foul, very loud language. I politely rose, went to him and very discreetly asked him to stop. The man with him apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. I thanked him (this was the innocent one, mind you) and returned to my seat. At that point the foul mouthed one let loose with a string of obscenities. I got up, went to his seat, grabbed him and tossed him over a salad bar. His friend got up and got him out of the building. When they went through the door the entire restaraunt applauded me.

I probably didn't use the best of judgment, but it was the RIGHT thing to do.

Sometimes the difficult decision is the right one. Time will tell which decision would have been right in this particular instance with our players.


I broke a guy's nose at a bar this summer for pushing my girlfriend, and cops arrested him and told me i did the right thing!!! :beer:

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