Chavez the petty tyrant persists with his insanity in Venezuela.

Venezuelan suffering has not hurt the overseas adoration that Mr Chavez attracts. Ken Livingstone, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Bolivian leader Evo Morales are avowed cheerleaders for Mr Chavez in his confrontation with capitalism.

Oliver Stone, the US film director, will this week publish South of the Border, a documentary about Latin America that critics described as a hagiography of Mr Chavez.

Will Chavez steal another election??

Most Venezuelans Want Chávez Out in 2012 | Intelligence Quarterly

Chávez—a left-leaning leader—has been in office since February 1999. In July 2000, he was elected to a six-year term with 59.5 per cent of all cast ballots. In August 2004, Chávez won a referendum on his tenure with 59 per cent of the vote. The special election was called after opposition organizations in Venezuela gathered 2.5 million signatures to force a recall ballot. In December 2006, Chávez earned a new six-year term with 62.89 per cent of the vote.

American Thinker: Was the election in Venezuela stolen?

Schoen's firm, which was hired by an opposition group in Venezuela, conducted pre—election surveys, and also undertook a large exit poll on the day of the Chavez recall. His pre—election surveys indicated that those who wanted to recall Chavez were ahead by at least 10%, and gaining momentum. In his exit poll, the margin for the anti—Chavez side grew to 18%. Schoen expressed disbelief when the results showed that Chavez retained his office by the same 18% margin. That, of course, is a 36% swing from an exit poll conducted the same day, or about six times the margin of error in terms of a vote shift. We are talking here of many standard deviations away from the expected result. That result is about as likely as Osama Bin Laden agreeing to be on Bill O'Reilly's show in person tomorrow night.

The two things that are suggested by these results are that a fraud may have occurred, and that if it did, the fixers were lazy. Having identical vote totals on hundreds of different machines around the country is about as likely to occur as the results from the famous missing ballot box that was used to give 'Landslide Lyndon' Johnson his 87 vote victory in the Senate race in Texas in 1948. The votes in that mystery precinct when they finally turned up, were almost 100% for Johnson, and the voters who signed in to vote "that day" did so in alphabetical order, a first I am sure, even for Texas.

And two Venezuelan professors, including one from MIT, and another from Harvard have issued their own report,
concluding that there is at least a 99% chance that the election result was a fraud.

There is no front page news story on this in the New York Times or Washington Post of course, and no editorial condemning Chavez for holding onto power through a probably—fixed election. And of course, there has been no criticism in the liberal press for Saint Jimmy, who has, over many years, sanctified the behavior and character of the leaders of North Korea, Yassar Arafat, the Sandanistas, Fidel Castro, and now Hugo Chavez. Carter, the Nobel Prize Peace Prize winner, is also the man who invited serial liar Michael Moore to share his Presidential box at the Democratic Convention, effectively anointing him by extension, as a truth—teller, like Carter himself.

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
Josef Stalin

A few things not mentioned in the above article are; Carter's involvement in the validation of the victory of Hamas in the Palistinian elections, Carter's involvement in the overthrow of the Rhodesian government and the seizure of power by Mugabe the marxist murderer, Carter's claim that the Ayatollah Khomeini, another serial murderer, was a good religious man and that jimmy dedicates a room in his Atlanta Carter Center to honor Khomeini.

And sad as it may seem, that isn't all of the dastardly deeds of Jimmy Carter who was the man who ended up with the worst electorial college defeat in the history of America.

And sad as it may seem, despite the best efforts of the lame stream, agenda driven media, the current president may meet an even worse defeat when he tries to bluff his way through a reelection campaign.
Oliver Stone film on Hugo Chávez flops with Venezuelans -

Despite round-the-clock promotion on Venezuelan state television and government-subsidized screenings in the capital of Caracas, local moviegoers have largely stayed away. The film grossed only $18,601 on 20 screens in the 12 days after its June 4 debut,...........

Stone asks no critical questions of Chávez regarding Venezuela's rising crime and inflation, shortages of electricity and food, or his orders to close Venezuela's opposition news outlets.

The state-run La Previsora is the last theater in Caracas still playing the film, charging a government-subsidized ticket of three bolivars, or 70 cents.

When Ronald Reagan was President we had Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now we have Barack Obama and no Hope and no Cash.
Wonder how long before all the "cool", "tool" kids will be sporting Chavez' picture on t-shirts and flags while they're out protesting capitalism? Which communist dictator's profile will sell more t-shirts, Chavez or Obama? The Che and Mao t-shirts will become so passé. I wonder if Fidel's biggest regret is that his profile never became fashionable? :question:

Okay, I'm done wondering about communist tyrants for the moment. :w00t:
Well, I've seen posters. I just figured there were probably shirts also. For the young hippies' sakes, I don't frequent these "hate America" gatherings, so I'm just guessing.
The Venezuelan supreme court just ruled that one of Chavez' potential opponents in the next election won't be on the ballot. (Lopez.)

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