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Jan 10, 2005
The Sooner you dump Phil, the better [33564]
by Meat Cleaver on Friday, June 03 @02:57PM

Kudos to UT on the ranking, and I have nothing against the school or the state. However, it has to tarnish the feeling knowing how dirty your coach is. Do you guys even support him?
- Steals Majors' job from underneath him
- Tutorgate and the subsequent coverup
- The Eric Locke debacle
- Pell Grant money for Lincoln Navigators
- Signing Jason Respert after others dropped him stemming from sexual assault charges
- Fulmer speaking with the girl who was raped by
the cornerback, and she suddenly develops amnesia
- Payments to Tee Martin and possibly John

He had Kramer in his pocket, but the storm is coming. You can't get away with it forever.

Spurrier at least won clean.

Ok now I will chime in here first because I am not sure whether Fulmer stole Major's job or whether the constant use of the Prevent Defense when ahead cost him his job. Yikes Alabama memories!!!

Tutorgate?? What the hell is tutorgate? I must have missed that one.

Pell Grant Money for Lincoln Navigators? WHY WOULD ANYONE want a navigator? If it were true Tennessee would have given Escalades.

The girl didn't develop amnesia the girl made a decision not to press charges.

Fulmer didn't pay Tee a booster alledgedly did through his company.

Jason Respert was never convicted of that. As a matter of fact in most cases suspicion does not mean guilt.

Look people players from all over the country have problems.. Programs inherently have problems.. Get off Tennessee's back until the NCAA investigates and finds something. Until then shut up and keep making excuses why you got lambasted by USC when everyone knows Auburn should have been in that game.

Damn Sooners, getting as bad as bammers.

Sooner fans are just trying to deflect their last game on anyone else....

Sssshhhh....USC just scored again
I hear Jason White is still having Flashbacks at Night.. Waking up screaming, "But But I won the Hiesman!!!! WAHHH!"

Just a couple of things:

Majors lost his job when 8 wins stopped being enough and he stopped caring. In the Fiesta vs. PSU, he used a "choice word" to describe some of his players and you will noticed they layed down in the 2nd half. Fulmer came in and the team rallied behind him and Johnny came back and did what he always did, lose to Bama. I respect Majors and all he did for UT, but he was the #3 hitter and Fulmer was hitting clean-up.

As for Respert, I thought I had seen where he has become quite a stellar young man in the community. He was young but has grown up. I am proud of our coaches for taking a chance on this "problem" kid. Amazing how no "sportswriter" has the ability to write about a kid turning good. RESPERT

Oh, and U-T, the extra point was good.
Damn OU. At least we give our players proper punishment. Adrian Peterson starts a fight in a public restraunt and gets padded on the back, but Brent gets in a fight defending his girlfriend and he gets kicked off the team. I don't want to hear any bull**** from there fans about whats been going on with us because at least we discipline our players.
I still havent figured out why OU even has the beef? Seems like these days there are about as much talk from their fans, as there is from bammers.
The phat jokes are a lack of intelligence, and/or desperation.

CPF was something like 215-220 when he started as an Offensive Linemen. If anyone has met CPF or even been close enough to get a look at him, he isnt the definition of "fat". Thank god we dont have Weis.

Maybe Stoops should and add on a few pounds, maybe then OU could pull off a big game!
Fulmer gits'r DONE!...If he didn't he wouldn't be there..Period!
For a school that took a player that "problem child phil" kicked off of Tennessee for drug problems in Lynn McGruder, this Sooner fan sure seems to think he knows it all. Go back and ask him about McGruder. Ask him what the difference is in taking McGruder whom everyone knew was kicked off of Tennessee for drugs and taking Respert. Then tell him the Sooners are done, and it's the other UT's turn to rule the Big 12.
The sooners and the bammers deserve one another. One team claims championships like they are going out of style, while the other just loses them..
1- Steals Majors' job from underneath him

good answer by utvolpj

2- Tutorgate and the subsequent coverup

NO coverup. NO NCAA violations. The truth was revealed and the tutoring system at UT was modified to fix a few things. The coaching staff has no control over tutors and how much "help" they give. But rest assured, the same kind of stuff goes on in the general student population too.

3- The Eric Locke debacle

Eric Locke was a very minor incident that got blown way out of proportion because the bammers have such sour grapes.

4- Pell Grant money for Lincoln Navigators

My understanding of how government grant money works is that if a student qualifies, they get the money. However, student-athletes also get scholarships. It all goes towards tuition, and what's left over goes back to the student-athlete.... to buy or invest however they want to. Happens at Division I-A schools and happens at NAIA Division II schools and I don't see a problem with it.

5- Signing Jason Respert after others dropped him stemming from sexual assault charges

good answer by utvolpj. Respert has turned into a fine citizen, which is what you want the coach to help young men to become.

6- Fulmer speaking with the girl who was raped by
the cornerback, and she suddenly develops amnesia

I don't remember much about this story other than the girl got drunk or high or whatever, had some regret regarding the incident later after sobering up and initially claimed rape.

7- Payments to Tee Martin and possibly John

Payments to Tee Martin were NOT from the coaching staff, were NOT from boosters, but WERE actually from a family friend. I don't think its ever been proven that John Henderson got anything other than a loan AFTER his eligibility was up.

Overall, I'd say that as much scrutiny has been coming from Alabamastan.... and nothing major has been found at UT.... that Fulmer runs probably one of the cleanest top notch division I-A programs.

And before somebody throws out Vanderbilt, note that they had a player arrested recently for assault.
Originally posted by allvol@Jun 10, 2005 12:30 PM
I don't think its ever been proven that John Henderson got anything other than a loan AFTER his eligibility was up.


In my opinion, the Henderson allegations were some of Gallion's most disgraceful work; trying to make Henderson look like an illiterate who was paid off when in fact all that happened was he established a $50,000 line of credit based on the fact that he would be receiving a fat first round signing bonus about 4 months later.
5- Signing Jason Respert after others dropped him stemming from sexual assault charges

Those charges were also suspicious in nature because at the time he had let it be known he was going to UT, UT had tried to talk him out of visiting UF, instead he visited UF and all of a sudden a kid who had never been in any trouble (I know but its true) is charged with a serious offense. Give me a break this was a set up from day 1. He has since not been in any trouble of any kind. That tells more than any Sooner can dream up in his dope laced dreams. I just wonder how many lbs of pot McGruder kept in his room at OU.

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