Chris Scott is a bright spot today



Junior Member
Jan 4, 2005
In what has been a downer in the last week of recruiting Chris Scott will probably be the last big recruit we get. Hopefully not. Chris looks to add depth where we always need it.
Ok it has not be a downer week but it has been slow. Scott is not the last big recruit UT gets but if by chance it is then it takes nothing away from what they accomplished with this class. They took the SEC back.
Tennessee's class looks solid right now. Many many four stars, some of which will step it up and take it to an All-American level. Next year, focus on the WR's and the lines.
i think it is uber-sweet we got scott over the florida Gators.


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The folks in this picture don't look too sure of what the sign says, do they?

I don't blame them!

And by the way, in that we are talking about Chris Scott, he will not be the last BIGGIE to jump on the Big Orange Juicetrain. Believe it!


If folks don't quit making disparaging remarks about this recruiting season, I'm going to start asking for addresses and I'm going to come visit you all personally and punch you in the noggin until you admit you’re a dumb, trailer-park-trash, illiterate.

(Actually, I'm an old, fat, worn out white guy who couldn't punch a ticket, much less the most of you youngsters, but hey, it sounds great doesn't it?)

Listen fellers (I know it's misspelled, but that's how I say it; you didn't know fellows had an r in it, did you?) we've got one of the, if not THE BEST class incoming we've ever had.

Let's just keep our fingers crossed that we don't lose any on signing day.

What he said. It's all relative until they hit the field anyway. A blue chip can fade just as easy as a question mark recruit can rise to the top. Of course we all feel a top recruiting class is the key, but with adpatation to college life, instant stardom, possible injury... It's what's left on the roster and makes it to the field in following years. Maybe I was in a dungeon, but I never really heard or took note of Leinart until last year. I love to see the big names that come on board. It gets you all pumped up, then you have to wait.

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