chris thile at the bijou

2 Questions:

1. What city is the Bijou in (there are about a dozen cities within 3 hours of Knoxville with a venue called the Bijou)?

2. Who is Chris Thile?
thile was in nickel creek, but also has a couple of his own albums. he's also had a couple of bands since nickel creek split(how to grow a woman from the ground band, and currently the punch brothers.) it's in knoxville, sorry.
Man I would totally be there if I were in Knoxville this summer. I'm very jealous. I saw Nickel Creek on their farewell tour in Knoxville...good stuff.

He has to be one of the best if not the best mandolin players in the world. I also saw him do a show last year at UT for $5 with Edgar Meyer, it was incredible.
hahaha yeah i've heard a bit of it. deceiver is my favorite album to date. sucks you cant go though.

i saw nickel creek about 6 years ago, i'm not sure if it was even called sundown in the city yet, but thats where it was. then i saw them again about three years ago in knoxville. such a great show.

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