Christian Children Silenced While Performing National Anthem in US Capitol



Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2012
We have lost all hope for our country when Children singing the national anthem inside the US Capitol (with permission) is offensive!

Christian Children Silenced While Performing National Anthem in US Capitol; Police Apologize

A viral clip shows the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir singing Francis Scott Key’s song, inspired by the persistence of American forces against the British during the War of 1812, in the building’s Statuary Hall—itself recently transformed by ideology after Virginia removed a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in 2020.

Suddenly, the conductor, David Rasbach, is approached by a man who whispers something to him. Rasbach cuts off the performance before the children can deliver the song’s final line: “For the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

In his written recollection of the May 26 incident, Rasbach says the man was from the office of Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), one of multiple lawmakers with whom he coordinated to organize the miniature concert.

He received permission with the help of Wilson and another South Carolina Congressman, Rep. William Timmons. Both offices, Rasbach said, told him he had permission for the concert. As the U.S. Capitol Police indicated, that permission would ultimately have to come from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

According to Rasbach, after Wilson’s staffer told him to silence the children, he walked over to three Capitol Police officers, one of whom told him that the group “may not continue singing.”

“This is considered to be a demonstration, and that is not allowed in the Capitol,” she added, according to Rasbach.

“Do you mean to tell me that a choir of children may not sing the National Anthem in the capitol of the United States?” Rasbach said he asked.

“No, they may not,” she responded, according to Rasbach.

The police did issue an apology.
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