Chuck Noll Quote...



Get Heuped Up!
Dec 13, 2011
When Chuck Noll was coaching the Steelers he used to say this quote to his players:

"The mercenaries will beat the draftees but the volunteers will crush them both..."

Chuck Noll gets it...?
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The only Chuck of importance is Chuck Norris. And he does not get it because Chuck Norris has always had it.

But honestly that is an awesome quote that would look great on the wall of the locker room.
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Its kind of depressing that Chuck Norris is a 73 year old man, and he could still beat the piss out of every single one of us.
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Butch "Chuck Norris" Jones has a bear rug in his den. The bear's not dead...he's just afraid to move.
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One little known fact about Coach Jones is that he is the only person to win the gold medal in Olympic pairs ice skating by himself.
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