Civil Unrest in France


The anger is mainly over a hike in the diesel fuel tax, which has gone up seven euro cents per liter (nearly 30 U.S. cents per gallon) and will keep climbing in coming years, according to Transport Minister Elisabeth Borne. The tax on gasoline is also to increase four euro cents. Gasoline currently costs about 1.64 euros a liter in Paris ($7.06 a gallon), slightly more than diesel.
Lol. $7 a gallon for gas, a little less for diesel. I don’t blame them I’d be pissed too.

Angry French... many pillows will die...

Well it’s a good thing they are in the EU , you know to help keep those prices down with their strong trade union . Where do they get their fuel from ?

Just wait until we see violence at the gas pumps or ATMs here in the Land of the Free...
You actually raise a good point here though. If the left have their way, they would inflate the prices of gas in order to combat supposed "man-made" climate change in a similar fashion to the French government.
Do you not find it interesting that all these countries that were hard left are now driving hard right? Perhaps it’s bc that **** doesn’t work.

It's a lot more complicated than that. You think the reason is that people naturally prefer a more nationalist and free market economic approach.

I think it's a reverberation caused by the increasing disparity in wealth between the top class and the middle class, and in particular the middle class coming to realize that the odds of advancing, no matter your talent or hard work, are slim.
It's a lot more complicated than that. You think the reason is that people naturally prefer a more nationalist and free market economic approach.

I think it's a reverberation caused by the increasing disparity in wealth between the top class and the middle class, and in particular the middle class coming to realize that the odds of advancing, no matter your talent or hard work, are slim.

In this instance, the leftist upper class imposed their ideological will on the people by hiking the tax rate on fuel due to carbon emissions. This isn't rocket science why the right-wing is gaining significant ground in Europe.
Hillary getting pizzed again... first Europe loses control of immigration and now they're losing control of the economy... how the hell is she supposed to unseat Trump when they continue to implement these socialist programs ahead of the 2020 election.
I think the big question nobody has answered...

What's the money from this tax going towards? Other than the government's pockets?
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It's a lot more complicated than that. You think the reason is that people naturally prefer a more nationalist and free market economic approach.

I think it's a reverberation caused by the increasing disparity in wealth between the top class and the middle class, and in particular the middle class coming to realize that the odds of advancing, no matter your talent or hard work, are slim.

In a corrupt capitalist system a guy like me can work hard and still succeed. In a corrupt socialist system the wealth gap grows and hard work means nothing.

I love when you dipstick leftists start to wake up.
It's a lot more complicated than that. You think the reason is that people naturally prefer a more nationalist and free market economic approach.

I think it's a reverberation caused by the increasing disparity in wealth between the top class and the middle class, and in particular the middle class coming to realize that the odds of advancing, no matter your talent or hard work, are slim.
In other words, the same old excuse that they just didn't give it enough time to work. Like Venezuela. Just needs a little more time.
I think the big question nobody has answered...

What's the money from this tax going towards? Other than the government's pockets?
Nothing. Just like here. But it makes people feel like they’re doing “Something”. Much like signing a piece of paper.
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Nothing. Just like here. But it makes people feel like they’re doing “Something”. Much like signing a piece of paper.

Here's the thing. If the green crowd implemented something like this, say two cents on every gallon if gas and diesel ($300 billion or more in revenue per year), and the money was only spent towards lowering the deficit, people would grumble, but at least it would go towards a good cause. Combine it with a balanced budget amendment (we're dreaming this morning) and you'd have something worthwhile.

Of course, you know as well as I do nobody in Washington would be happy with that.
Here's the thing. If the green crowd implemented something like this, say two cents on every gallon if gas and diesel ($300 billion or more in revenue per year), and the money was only spent towards lowering the deficit, people would grumble, but at least it would go towards a good cause. Combine it with a balanced budget amendment (we're dreaming this morning) and you'd have something worthwhile.

Of course, you know as well as I do nobody in Washington would be happy with that.
I always look for specifics and never get it. What EXACTLY are these taxes going toward? All you hear is “investment in green energy”. What exactly does that mean? No response.
You actually raise a good point here though. If the left have their way, they would inflate the prices of gas in order to combat supposed "man-made" climate change in a similar fashion to the French government.

Pretty sure the left was bragging about low gas prices under Obama whenever they could.

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