Clueless Dem candidate for Gov of Virginia

Staged promo video /= clueless politician.

Where's the troll alert image?
Do you routinely put your burgers on the grill before you preheat it? Why chose to support this stupidity it’s a pretty stupid and easily avoidable look. Just have the burgers on a plate beside the grill.
Not to mention that the party who always claims to care about hunger is letting probably $60 worth of meat spoil to make a campaign commercial
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Man it’s embarrassing to live in Virginia sometimes. Between Northam and McAuliffe we are doomed.
Sometimes? All the time.

Roanoke, where I live, gets laughed at even by lefties, despite being literally totally run by corrupt, kool-aid slurping lefties.
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Do you routinely put your burgers on the grill before you preheat it? Why chose to support this stupidity it’s a pretty stupid and easily avoidable look. Just have the burgers on a plate beside the grill.
And the poor guy operating the camera would have gladly consumed at least half the beer before filming.

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