Coach Fulmer Not Happy



Senior Member
Feb 1, 2005
with the following comment there can be no doubt how coach feels.

But we've got some apparently very immature young men on this football team, or if they are not immature they are socially unadjusted at this time. I'm extremely embarrassed and disappointed in the actions of a number of our players over the last several months. I apologize to the university community, Dr. Petersen, Mike Hamilton and all the fans who follow our program.

I agree with coach. These young men did not act in a mature way and should not even have been out that late.
Originally posted by duckman398686@Apr 13, 2005 8:16 AM

I am just glad to be on the same side as coach. I know alot on here disagreed with me yesterday but any way you look at it the players were in the wrong. Fulmer is doing the right thing.
These are 18-22 year old kids for the most part who at times can be treated like kings.

We just need to teach them some to be responsible when out.

WALK AWAY if need be.
Originally posted by U-T@Apr 13, 2005 11:42 AM
WALK AWAY if need be.

Watch out U-T, people will think your soft if you say that on this board. Like I have been saying all along, if your body is your meal ticket, you shouldn't put it in danger when you are off of the field. We already have too many injuries, we don't need anymore. Nothing good comes out of fighting when you are in the public eye like these guys are.

"You're a much stronger man by walking away from issues and incidents rather than having a confrontation," he said. "You try to teach them to be really physical and tough on the field, and they've got to be gentlemen off the field." --Fulmer
I understand that everyone can't just "walk away"....I really do and have been in situations where it ended up being just impossible.

But I don't think our players have used that type of judgement in several incidents.
we could just stop recruiting so many Florida players....what good are 5 or 4 star players if they are suspended...
I really don't see a reason for concern here. It happens at every university in America. And I would say that the majority of the 100,000 plus that pay to watch them each saturday have probably done something in thier past that wasn't good that if they were star football players and would have been discovered it would have made the papers. Usually by the time they become upperclassmen they get it. Almost all of the bad press lately has been over fighting where emotions get away. If the players were stealing, robbing, raping or other crimes were committed that showed true criminal intent and poor character then I would be concerned. Can poor judgement and immaturity be overlooked--NO...But Don't make a federal case out of everything..Alot of the enemy loves to sow discord and division to bring the house down and depress the team.
Originally posted by UTVOLFAN@Apr 13, 2005 11:26 AM
we could just stop recruiting so many Florida players....what good are 5 or 4 star players if they are suspended...

I hope that you aren't being serious.
sadly, he is probably serious. Someone better tell him James Banks was from Indiana.

T-Ball I hope you are kidding. What those guys did was serious. Tell me that you only were kidding with the rape comment. Please.
i happen to agree with the all knowing corso on this one... there are far more serious crimes around the typical college campus...
Originally posted by toddbond007@Apr 13, 2005 12:27 PM
i happen to agree with the all knowing corso on this one... there are far more serious crimes around the typical college campus...

The problem IMHO is the trend line. 11 players/incidents in the past year! That's not going on at every campus in America.

As I said in another thread, we are probably in the top 10 in arrests or charges. Not a stat to be proud of.

Even if you think the incidents are minor, the volume of them signify players who are not using their judgement. If they don't use judgement off the field, how can we hope that they will on the field?
11 arrests at one school in 1 year is not common at schools....

Even if the 11 arrests are petty in nature....the volume of them is ridiculous
Exactly b-ham. It's not what happened with the kids over the last couple of days, it is the sheer volume of incidents in a 12-13 month period. You can judge each event on a case by case basis. But to look at them together, is a cause for concern. I know Fulmer wants to help these kids out, but at the same time they need to realize they can't act like a normal student, because they are shown in a different light.
No one is condoning the poor behavior of the athletes, but what would you have Fulmer do differently? Should he get mad and sacrifice a kid to set an example. He's dealing with the situation on a case-by-case basis as fairly as he can. Just like it was stupid for Shaffer to let his emotions get the best of him when his entire future is on the line. it would be just as stupid for Fulmer to respond without reason and rob one of his athletes of a future when all they need to do is grow up a little and mature. It was bad year in the community. he will get it fixed. I assure you he hasn't lost control. But if he does, we ought to form a mob, get our sticks and pitchforks, put on our hoods, and then run him out of town on a rail!!
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Apr 13, 2005 1:45 PM
Should he get mad and sacrifice a kid to set an example.

If it puts a perspective to the entire team, yes.
Originally posted by Volstorm@Apr 13, 2005 1:22 PM
Exactly b-ham. It's not what happened with the kids over the last couple of days, it is the sheer volume of incidents in a 12-13 month period. You can judge each event on a case by case basis. But to look at them together, is a cause for concern. I know Fulmer wants to help these kids out, but at the same time they need to realize they can't act like a normal student, because they are shown in a different light.

How many of these "incidents" were involved with a certain frat on campus, that may be some interesting info....

Peace Cross
Once again West TELL THE WHOLE STORY you dawg lover

"First, I want to say that I think we have a whole lot of great young men on this football team. The fact is, tonight we celebrate 20 of them who are graduating either last semester or in the semester to come with faculty members at the Wolf-Kaplan Center. And I'm proud of those success stories.

"But we've got some apparently very immature young men on this football team, or if they are not immature they are socially unadjusted at this time. I'm extremely embarrassed and disappointed in the actions of a number of our players over the last several months. I apologize to the university community, Dr. Petersen, Mike Hamilton and all the fans who follow our program.

"As I said, we have a large majority of our guys who are doing the right things and few who have embarrassed us in a very big way.

"We've had a rash of incidents in the last few months and that includes today. From an event about five week ago, two of our players were charged today - Jerod Mayo, who I don't think was involved and is a case of mistaken identity from all I can find out, and Robert Ayers. Again, this is from an event at the University Center some weeks past.

"We'll deal with that and all of them as we have in the past.

"There have been times when we have really worked with young people who had issues and we worked through those situations and it turned out that they were able to get their degree and succeed in the college world and go on and do very well as they matured and grew up.

"There are a lot of those success stories. Unfortunately, on the other side of the coin, there are times like with James Banks and Onterrio Smith and other times, when we haven't been able to get through to young people.

"We're in the young people business here, very much so. I pride myself in the fact that we run a disciplined football program but at the same time we're compassionate when compassion needs to be there and we try to help young people.

"We've got some great, great young men on this team and, as I said, some who have acted pretty immaturely in these chain of events that we've had recently."

More of the story is coming out Mr. Know it all West why don't you tell it also Loser
Everyone acts like we have so many problems going on. It just so happens that it is taking the police and university a while to sort everything ie the case dealing with Brooks that happend in March and is just coming out.

I posted some links to where Oregon State has had 8 players arrested in the last year and one school just had 11 football players arrested.
In the old days, the cops would allow the players to take care of their own business. When a player got in trouble, the cops let the team captains handle it (and you did not want to face a team captain). Now in this litigious society, where everyone sues for everything, the cops take a more active role. And so more of this stuff shows up in the media. Like I said, were these Bama players in Tuscaloosa, you wouldn't hear a peep.
I have a friend whose son is a walk on punter at Alabama. And he laughed when I showed him your statement. He said that Alabama is so closely watched that nothing is being covered up there whatsoever. He even cited a few incidents from last year.

So, I do not think your statement about Alabama is true but I agree that it USED to be a long time ago. In fact, I heard from my friend, that the wives of the asst coaches would take correspondant courses to keep certain players eligible at Bama in the good ole days.
My mailman's brothers cousin told me that your Alabama walk-on punter friend is lying

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