Coach Fulmer strikes a pose

Good to see Phillip finally embraced his baldness and quit the comb-over.
Fulmer probably making more striking that pose than most will make this year, Go coach, hope you do well there.
This site talks a lot about VFL, but doesn't act it a bit when it comes to a true VFL in Phillip Fulmer.

Yeah I am glad our players don't take on the mentality of some of the posters on here. VFL would be a complete joke! Do people really still think the donut jokes are funny?
A couple of things I never understood about ETSU. One, why do they call themselves the Buccaneers? I heard that bull story about some legend of a pirate coming through East Tennessee. A university in the MOUNTAINS of Tennessee named after a sea character? Go figure. That alone says something about the university and I am not sure it is positive. Second, that logo is the UGLIEST logo I have ever seen in college sports. Bottom line it is truly tacky.

I think the ETSU AD needs a new makeover if they want to be taken seriously! No real offense meant just a fact I have heard others state as well.
is he running to get the last doughnut?

Grow up. This man is a champion and has accomplished more in the last 15 years than most of us (including you) will in a lifetime. If doughnut jokes are the best you have, I'd just stay off the site.
Yeah I am glad our players don't take on the mentality of some of the posters on here. VFL would be a complete joke! Do people really still think the donut jokes are funny?

Yes... Fat jokes and passing gas are never not funny.

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