Coach Martin reads Vol Nation.



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2006

How else did he turn things around? From the expert advice and analysis bandied about on here.

Hope my extreme sarcasm is detected.

The petition and the signers were disgusting by the way.
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How else did he turn things around? From the expert advice and analysis bandied about on here.

Hope my extreme sarcasm is detected.

The petition and the signers were disgusting by the way.

Speaking of disgusting...start threads more often :hi:
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Coach 3 and half weeks ago I would half backed the U-HAUL up to your door, but today I will salute you and tell you I am sorry:salute:.

How else did he turn things around? From the expert advice and analysis bandied about on here.

Hope my extreme sarcasm is detected.

The petition and the signers were disgusting by the way.

I would doudt that he reads this site. I would be more inclinded to think that his players, staff members, friends, church members or family members read it and when they think something is important, they will mention it to him.

For instance, when the vast majority on this site responded to the poll and wanted Pearl to return, I am sure a player, a staff member, a friend, a family member or a church member drought that to his attention.

I doudt that he logs on to this site with any regularity. Might log on to read something that someone brought to his attention.

How else did he turn things around? From the expert advice and analysis bandied about on here.

Hope my extreme sarcasm is detected.

The petition and the signers were disgusting by the way.

The state of Tennessee basketball isn't as bad as any of us thought. Three weeks ago things changed and yes maybe so of what was being said on here had something to do with it. Whatever it took to light a fire under this programs a$$ was clearly worth it. I DlD SIGN THE PETITION. And if it took some WELL DESERVED criticism from our fan base to push this coaching staff and our team to play up to their potential, then yes CCM you are welcome. And volnation can pat ourselves on the back for being this year's 6th man.

I've never been so happy to be proven wrong.
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The state of Tennessee basketball isn't as bad as any of us thought. Three weeks ago things changed and yes maybe so of what was being said on here had something to do with it. Whatever it took to light a fire under this programs a$$ was clearly worth it. I DlD SIGN THE PETITION. And if it took some WELL DESERVED criticism from our fan base to push this coaching staff and our team to play up to their potential, then yes CCM you are welcome. And volnation can pat ourselves on the back for being this year's 6th man.

I've never been so happy to be proven wrong.

Lol. None of the complainers have anything to do with these results.

But it makes sense that the complainers would actually believe they did have something to do with it.
CBB had a personality that drew crowds to him and I think that is why everyone loved him so much. I liked him myself, but he is not the best coach in the nation, by far. And by now, I hope everyone realizes he made his own bed when he did what he did to the University, his players and the fans. Tennessee had no choice but to fire him, but they could have fought harder to keep him.
Martin has been here for three years and he has had a tough time from the start as it always is when you change coaches. He has taken this ball team and completely turned their season around and has them playing some of the best basketball in the nation. We were one of the first four to play in and we are now "mauling" our competition. We are now in the Sweet Sixteen" and have a chance to go further. I know that there are many out here that will disagree with me but the publicity that we will get in the next week alone, will make some top recruits open their eyes and take notice of the VOLS. We all need to quit bit___n, and realize we have one of the best coaches in the country and I for one hope we can hold onto him. I'm proud of our coach and I am proud to be a volunteer.
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Congrats to the staff and team. I'm still wondering why nobody knew to foul at the end of the ncst game, but that's just me. I'm sure when in that situation again it will be different. Go vols!
Cuonzo coached from his chair for all of those mid-season losses. VN called him on it, and
as a result he left his seat and prowled the sideline like he was the 6th man. Success ensued.

When the history of the '13-'14 season is written, VN will be recognized as the catalyst for this team's turnaround.
Cuonzo coached from his chair for all of those mid-season losses. VN called him on it, and
as a result he left his seat and prowled the sideline like he was the 6th man. Success ensued.

When the history of the '13-'14 season is written, VN will be recognized as the catalyst for this team's turnaround.

The haters also mentioned his lack of emotion, and now look at the last few games.

Lesson for everyone: Haters make a difference!
Cuonzo coached from his chair for all of those mid-season losses. VN called him on it, and
as a result he left his seat and prowled the sideline like he was the 6th man. Success ensued.

When the history of the '13-'14 season is written, VN will be recognized as the catalyst for this team's turnaround.


Some people will literally believe this.
The state of Tennessee basketball isn't as bad as any of us thought. Three weeks ago things changed and yes maybe so of what was being said on here had something to do with it. Whatever it took to light a fire under this programs a$$ was clearly worth it. I DlD SIGN THE PETITION. And if it took some WELL DESERVED criticism from our fan base to push this coaching staff and our team to play up to their potential, then yes CCM you are welcome. And volnation can pat ourselves on the back for being this year's 6th man.

I've never been so happy to be proven wrong.

Stop it! You aren't that important, trust me. And I took a big ole dump and wiped with that petition.
Cuonzo coached from his chair for all of those mid-season losses. VN called him on it, and
as a result he left his seat and prowled the sideline like he was the 6th man. Success ensued.

When the history of the '13-'14 season is written, VN will be recognized as the catalyst for this team's turnaround.

LOL.. some truth to that. But as well, I think all the Pearl "soon" stuff and the sightings of him wearing Big Orange got Cuonzo off his duff.

VN is powerful stuff.

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