Coach Paul Johnson said...


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2007
ACC is there for the taking | Jeff Schultz |

“Ole Miss loses to Wake Forest and people say, ‘Well, they’re a bottom feeder of the SEC.’ But then they go and beat Florida and the same people say, ‘Oh, that’s how tough the SEC is.’ It’s perception. Georgia’s a great example. Georgia’s a very talented team. They’ve got some great individual players. But the perception and the expectation level before the season started was unbelievable. And what warranted it? Because they blew out Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl?”

- Gotta love this guy. He's given GT a winner's attitude. Don't be surprised if they pull one out btw the Hedges at the end of the year.
beating Gardner Webb 10-7 won't get the job done

Beating Gardner-Webb with his 3rd string qb who is a drop back passer and DEF not a CPJ type qb. I know that's not a good score but don't take things out of context. See what happens when any team around the nation has to put their 3rd string qb in (that is, of course, besides UT, which would prob be an improvement. But i digress...)

And also, the reason I posted this was to show yall how Paul Johnson isn't your everyday 'coach speak' coach. He says what he feels and is completely honest. I read earlier in the year when a journalist asked him why he went for it on so many 4th downs he said,"Well, I felt like we could get them. If i didn't, we wouldn't have gone for it." It's a breath of fresh air compared to what we've got going on on the Hill.
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