i don't see the merit to the general statement... "Pearl is a motivator".
Pearl can motivate blue collar kids with something to prove... lofton, bradshaw, jujuan.... and we know skylar is the hardest worker on the team... brian williams was motivated enough to lose 5 bazillion pounds.
But pearl IS NOT a proven motivator of top notch talent.
i suspect the reason for this (which i've been harping on over and over)... is pearl unwillingness to punish his best players for poor performance on the court. ie... reward the hardest workers with more playing time than the "stars" until the stars get the message.
pearls "system" ONLY and i mean ONLY works when EVERYONE on the team gives 110% every second on the floor and in practice.
his system is based on relentless pressure D (aggression) to force points off TO's. there is no halfcourt offense as we all know. when the athletes he's recruited ATTACK (aggression) the rim... we can score in the halfcourt as it opens up opportunities for uncontested 3's. but when the athletes get lazy (as they mostly have been the last 1.5 years) and stand around and jack up 3's... we look awful.
without a commitment from EVERYONE to go all out 110% every Fn second and ATTACK with all out aggression on both sides... we have first round NCAA exits. when EVERYONE goes all out... we can beat superior talent.
so... to get this type of effort... a coach has to be willing to discipline (BENCH) ANYONE he sees slacking in the least. hopson is slacking fine... mcbee starts. tyler is slacking fine... kenny hall starts.... maze is playing with his head up his ass... fine bone starts. kenny hall is slacking fine... start steven pearl i don't give a F***. send the message... you slack... you Fn sit. cuz we can't be a successful program when people are slacking. cuz we sure as hell aren't gonna out smart anybody.
i am not amazed at the latest results of the recent disciplinary action taken by pearl and UT.