Coach Ron Zook

Should Zook keep his job?

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Sep 18, 2004
I personally think Zook has played close games and is not as bad a coach as his reputation suggests. He had to follow Spurrier at Florida, which is a damn tough thing to do -- I think I could safely say that Spurrier was definitley one of the better coaches in college football history.

Anyways, should the Florida Administration retract their firing of Ron Zook and keep him on as head coach of the Gators?
I wish they would change their minds and ask him to stay and he tells them where to stick it!

Zook will land on his feet somewhere and build a nice program...with a grin on his face to be known for something that the almight Spurier could not do and has not been done since..what 86 or 87.

Ole Miss might be looking for a coach :yikes:
The timing of his firing sure looks suspicious. Looks like somebody wanted him gone and so they dropped the axe before he had a chance to get a big win over either Georgia or FSU and save face with the alumni and fan base.
Many UF fans/boosters have wanted to get rid of Zook from Day 1. It was only a matter of time. The win was big against FSU but that was not a great FSU team. Clearly, a Spurrier UF team could have won that game. Losing to MSU was the final straw. 7-4 would not cut it for ANY coach that is unfortunate enough to follow a legend. The Spur drove me crazy but before him, UF had ZERO SEC crowns and ZERO NC's. Hard to settle for 7-4 after that. If the next guy struggles, he might last longer. Look at Bama's history - since the Bear (early 80's) they had about as many different coaches as you could imagine. One had it all come together for a NC (Stallings) but others with strong records (e.g. Curry) just weren't accepted. Zook had to know this coming in--it was only a matter of time unless he won an NC or SECC in 2 years.

Give fans a taste of the summit and expectations get ratcheted up. Tubby Smith has been a great coach at UK but since he followed the program's savior Rick Pitino, UK fans have been restless.

He should have been given a chance to coach at least 2 more years in my opinon! But him losing 2 bowl games I think that hurt as well But oh well...He will probably end up at Penn State and turn them into a winner again.
I think UF moved a little too fast on this and listened a little too closely to their most rabid fans. I think Zook should have gotten a slightly longer leash...
Volinbham is right, everybody knew from day one that Zook was at least the 3rd choice to be the coach, and there were going to be people that would pounce the first chance they got. This is the exact same thing that happened to Jim Donnan at Georgia.

We forget how lucky we are that we've only had 2 head coaches in the last 27 years.
they handled it wrong but what do you expect from gatorville....Zook was a gonner from day 1
I think he should stay,and I think Zook getting the boot had very little to do with his team's performance and more to do with politics and his behavior off-the-field.
Imagine if Fulmer left and we had Sanders Head Coach what would happen!!!!!!!

Zook just didn't seem like an aged ... well trained head coach politician when it came to matters of administration... he seemed to me as a great assistant but out of his league as a college head coach...for a program like Florida...

There is a difference in being a great position coach and being a great Head Coach. As a head coach all identity/path to the promised land has to be personified in a behavior becoming of a champion... i.e. great salesman to recruits, current players, coaches You define what makes a champion for your program and reach those goals and you stay in power... simple as that! If you fail then one of the consumers will look else where.. in this case the fans...

ahhh enough of my rambling... :rolleyes:

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