Comparative Defense


Weee'rre Baaccckk

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2012
Looking back, it's hard to accept how far our D had fallen after being 28th in the nation under Wilcox before. I honestly assume that no one expected that huge of a drop off, when we had talent returning from the year before.

That said, with it being even less likely that we drop off (since our D really has nowhere to go but up) this year, would you take the over or under on a end-of-season 28th nationally ranked defense?

I'll say we finish in the late 30's end season. With the amount of talent we have coming back, particularly coupled with the fact that they will be returning to the 4-3 that they were recruited here to play, I expect a pretty substantial improvement, but not quite cracking being ranked in the 20's for total defense.

Your thoughts?
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Looking back, it's hard to accept how far our D had fallen after being 28th in the nation under Wilcox before. I honestly assume that no one expected that huge of a drop off, when we had talent returning from the year before.

That said, with it being even less likely that we drop off (since our D really has nowhere to go but up) this year, would you take the over or under on a end-of-season 28th nationally ranked defense?

I'll say we finish in the late 30's end season. With the amount of talent we have coming back, particularly coupled with the fact that they will be returning to the 4-3 that they were recruited here to play, I expect a pretty substantial improvement, but not quite cracking being ranked in the 20's for total defense.

Your thoughts?

I tend to agree with you late 30's early 40's sounds about right :)
Tennessee has a lot of returning players who were recruited to play a 4-3 defense before the Sunseri experiment ran awry in Knoxville. Maybe, luckily, the Vol defense not being able to figure out their assignments in CSS 3-4 will be a blessing in disguise for this season. I think that the learning curve will be short for these players. In my opinion, with all the experience which returns this season, a top 25 defense is not out of question.
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Im not a gambling man, but id say well be top 15, say like 12 or 13... our talent is to incredible to be as bad as it was last year... we have great coaches this year and it WILL show
Tennessee has a lot of returning players who were recruited to play a 4-3 defense before the Sunseri experiment ran awry in Knoxville. Maybe, luckily, the Vol defense not being able to figure out their assignments in CSS 3-4 will be a blessing in disguise for this season. I think that the learning curve will be short for these players. In my opinion, with all the experience which returns this season, a top 25 defense is not out of question.[/QUOT

Glad sal has taken his "mad science'' to fsu. :crazy:
will there be any benefit to these kids having played a year in the 3-4 or is it pretty much just a wasted year of talent progression?
OP should turn this thread into a Poll, give options to vote where you think the team will end up.. top 10, 10 - 20, 20-30 and so on.
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Will be great on d, but stats will no show the true picture due to an inflated number of plays created by our no huddle offense.
What are your thoughts on why Jacques Smith has not done more? I mean the guy is a physical beast,,he is definitely no dummy. Is this the year that he becomes the next Leonard Little?
Funny how these ranking don't account for "teams played"... We play against 6 SEC Offenses and Oregon... While team's will be ranked against their FBS schedule. TMK anyway.
Looking back, it's hard to accept how far our D had fallen after being 28th in the nation under Wilcox before. I honestly assume that no one expected that huge of a drop off, when we had talent returning from the year before.

That said, with it being even less likely that we drop off (since our D really has nowhere to go but up) this year, would you take the over or under on a end-of-season 28th nationally ranked defense?

I'll say we finish in the late 30's end season. With the amount of talent we have coming back, particularly coupled with the fact that they will be returning to the 4-3 that they were recruited here to play, I expect a pretty substantial improvement, but not quite cracking being ranked in the 20's for total defense.

Your thoughts?

It was 28th in the nation but could have been much better. Our offense was so bad at the time that our defense just got tuckered out in the second half of games with LSU, Bama, Arky, etc. Take away those second half points that were do to impetent offense and we could have easily been a top 20 defense.
will there be any benefit to these kids having played a year in the 3-4 or is it pretty much just a wasted year of talent progression?

I'm sure they are all well schooled in crisis management. If it were 3-4 training by a competent coach, then yes and we could have even used it on occaision. But since it was the Sal Vanilla 3-4, it's like learning how to repair picture tube TVs and VCRs...AFH!!!
Are there any offensive monsters out there other than OKSU and aTm that we aren't going to subject this Defense to? They have to face AL, GA, OR, Western Petrino U, USCe. I guess no Troy this year.
Anywhere between 20th-40th will be considered one helluva job done by our new DC considering this is his first year and the players have to adjust to his system. I'm sure his system will be easier to learn than Sunseri's system.:wacko:
Anywhere between 20th-40th will be considered one helluva job done by our new DC considering this is his first year and the players have to adjust to his system. I'm sure his system will be easier to learn than Sunseri's system.:wacko:

Probably helps too that the new system is being taught in English...not the incoherent caveman grunts that I imagine Sal uses to communicate.
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Talent wise this may be a top 25 defense. But considering we play probably the #1 & #2 offenses in the country in Georgia and Oregon, plus 3 more top ten teams, ending up statistically top 25 may not happen.
What are your thoughts on why Jacques Smith has not done more? I mean the guy is a physical beast,,he is definitely no dummy. Is this the year that he becomes the next Leonard Little?

Welcome to the board! I wouldn't say he's gonna be a Leonard Little by any means. However, I would rather him make a name being a great J.Smith!

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