Condoleezza Rice for VP?



Oct 21, 2004
Her name is hot right now.

Good choice? - black, female, highly competent with extensive foreign policy cred. - good balance to Romney's expertise.

Bad choice? - linked directly to case for war in Iraq and W in general; could turn off Independents bothered by Iraq.

My general thought is that I like her but think she would do more harm than help to the ticket. Would be fun to see her v. Biden in debates.

What say the VN?
Romney is a clown and choosing someone who directly tied to W is a disaster.

Obamas only strength is his voice and he will run against W and label Romney as W.
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She is very qualified.

She would bring back some if the negatives from the GW years.

Her big problem, imo, is she is pro choice.
I don't think the hard core conservatives would buy in .

I would vote for her for POTUS.
She's kept a low profile for the last few years, which works to her benefit. She can and will be tied to Bush and Iraq, but since Obama has done nothing he campaigned on regarding the Middle East (closing Gitmo, bringing the troops home, etc.) any criticism of her can be turned right back on Obama.

Not sure about her debating Biden, she can obviously run intellectual circles around him, but that doesn't necessarily mean she could destroy him 1 on 1. I don't see her as having a jocular attitude and she could come off as very dry and impersonal.
She's kept a low profile for the last few years, which works to her benefit. She can and will be tied to Bush and Iraq, but since Obama has done nothing he campaigned on regarding the Middle East (closing Gitmo, bringing the troops home, etc.) any criticism of her can be turned right back on Obama.

Not sure about her debating Biden, she can obviously run intellectual circles around him, but that doesn't necessarily mean she could destroy him 1 on 1. I don't see her as having a jocular attitude and she could come off as very dry and impersonal.
Yep, she doesn't exactly light up a room when she speaks, though she's obviously very intelligent.

No matter how much you think any argument against her can be turned back on Obama (and much of it can), the fact is being associated with Bush I is still politically cancerous in this country.
Last time the GOP picked a woman, this time they are doubling up.

Kidding of course. I actually like Condoleeza, but as has been mentioned she's connected to Bush, and that's a no-no if Romney wants to win this.
I have as good a chance of being on the ticket as Condoleeza. Zero.

Drudge is about 0-5 in his VP "scoops."
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Saw her speak when she came to Harding University. She took some questions and one of them was "would you consider being POTUS or VP." It means literally nothing I suppose but her answer was an adamant NO.
I don't think she does anything to help the ticket except for one thing. She's probably the most qualified person for the position. Although I disagree with her in a few places, there would be something slightly refreshing about the best person being picked vs. a strategic political pick or choosing some flunky that wouldn't overshadow the top of the ticket.
The GOP picking a woman for VP doesn't work if you pick one who is perceived as not championing the cause of the modern woman. Picking Palin in hopes of getting modern working women to vote republican is like picking Alan West to court the black vote.

Condoleezer Rice (said in my best Chapelle voice) would be a lot better than Palin in that respect. I think she'd be a formidable add to the ticket.
The GOP picking a woman for VP doesn't work if you pick one who is perceived as not championing the cause of the modern woman. Picking Palin in hopes of getting modern working women to vote republican is like picking Alan West to court the black vote.

Condoleezer Rice (said in my best Chapelle voice) would be a lot better than Palin in that respect. I think she'd be a formidable add to the ticket.

White guilt is strong with this one.
How the Drudge Report, With Its Condoleezza Rice ‘Scoop,’ Again Rules the Media

The claim is so ludicrous as to be laughable, and Drudge must know it considering his reported alliance with the Romney campaign.

Yet in typical fashion, the media—knowing the claim had little basis in reality—went along for the ride. The Today show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, even The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, along with plenty of others, took the bait and devoted countless minutes and column inches to the tale.

Your liberal media at work.
The GOP picking a woman for VP doesn't work if you pick one who is perceived as not championing the cause of the modern woman. Picking Palin in hopes of getting modern working women to vote republican is like picking Alan West to court the black vote.

Interestingly the gender gap is much smaller this time around than in 2008 and married women in particular think Obamacare is not championing the cause of modern women.

Bottomline, the "war on women" is a fiction invented by Team Obama and while the populace in general has not bought into, his followers have.

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