Congrats On A Great Day



Resident Dawg Genius
Oct 4, 2004
Congrats and a GREAT recruiting class. Looks like our teams have once again pulled in the top two classes in the SEC. The future is looking bright for both of our programs and the rest of the SEC is holding its own as well. Look forward to seeing how this all plays out during the regular season.
Thanks fade. Feels good to be on top doesn't it??
You are right freak. It feels good. I am very pleased at the direction that CMR is taking our program.
Fade, thanks for the kudos. We just want to make the SEC a much better place to play.
With a couple of exceptions . . . the entire decade of the 90's. :p

Sorry Fade. You're a nice guy and I know what Ray Goff references can do to a UGA fan.
GAVOL I think those are repressed memories. But still we watched the games because no matter the rankings or the year you never know what is going to happen.
After the Goff/Donnan years, I'm actually happy that GA landed Richt. I've talked to Mark Richt a couple of times and he seems to be pure class.
thanks fade, right back at ya. Good luck next year I hope you guys go 10-1 (you know who the one loss is too.) :D :p
I hoping to be there myself. Will be my first UGA/UT game at UT. Charley im sorry that you have so much hate in you heart. Just let it all out I can take it.

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